Village Activities. |
Until December 1925 a village fair was held
annually on common land behind the Church
on Church Hill. This
was an event to which the villagers looked forward and to
which stallholders came who sold anything from fruit and
brandy snaps to boots. There were also amusements amongst
which It is understood were hoop-la stall, coconut shies and
roundabouts. It
is recorded that the children played truant from school for
this event.
Five years later brought the first
Verwood Whit Monday Carnival, since
then apart from the war years, this has been an annual event
and one of the most important days in the life of the
village. This
event is organised by a Carnival Committee which meets at
regular intervals during the year and is held in the
Recreation Ground. The carnival is opened by the Carnival
Queen and during the day there are various spectacular
entertainments for all ages as well as a procession of
previously judged fancy dress, consisting of serious and
comic tableaux and mounted characters. The villagers
also run stalls and sideshows and until recently a fun fair
visited the village. Throughout
the day village organisations give a helping hand and those
organisations which need financial assistance benefit from
the proceeds.
The Memorial Hall was built and
financed from this source, and the swimming pool (now
closed) at the Verwood
(Hillside), was helped greatly by the carnival.

Memorial Hall as it was, and part of the Recreation Ground".
The village is fortunate in having an excellent
band, the Verwood Prize Band. Its origin is not accurately
known, but it is thought that it was formed in the 1870's,
although there was a small combination known as "Shearing's
Band" in the 1860's.
This band appeared to be semi-professional as it is
understood that they went away for days and sometimes weeks
at a time playing at country houses, fetes and other events.
Their music was arranged by their leader whom it is said, "used to write out the music himself
under a haystack".
There was another small band or orchestra attached
to one of the chapels before the "Shearing's Band"
was formed. It consisted of cello, violin, piccolo,
clarinet, tenor saxhorn, trombone and a keyed bugle, which
was invented in 1810 and was a much used instrument until
about 1855.
A January 1904 copy of the Western Gazette recorded
"The Verwood Temperance Brass
Band (under Bandmaster M. Ferrett) paraded the village on
Bank Holidays and gave a selection of carols and other
I am not sure, but it seems possible that this band
was a forerunner of the present band.
The Verwood Prize Band
(Verwood Concert Brass) began contesting soon after the
First World War and apart from during the Second World War
they have continued to do so under many musical directors. In 1968 they
were fortunate in having as their Musical Director, Graham
Coote, and in the late 1960'ss have won awards at Oxford,
Bournemouth. Later at Hammersmith the band
achieved second place out of fifteen bands and fourth place,
out of nineteen bands, the other winners being Sheffield
Recreation, City of Cambridge and Hammersmith Borough. From these
achievements one can see that the Verwood Band is well able
to hold its own and content bands from large towns, The band
now known as the Verwood Concert Brass has successfully
continued till the present day and now has its own Band
In 2005 the Verwood Concert Brass won the West of
England Championships and competed in
the National Brass Band Championship of Great Britain
held in Harrogate during September 2005.
Newcomers of any age to the village, have every
opportunity to join an activity as can be seen from the
following list of leisure time activities:-
Playgroup, Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Cub Scouts,
Venture Scouts, Rangers, Youth Clubs, Young Wives Group,
Women's Institute, British Legion Club, Mothers' Union,
Women's Social Hour, Women's Guild, Horticultural Society,
Football, Cricket, Tennis, Badminton, and Bowling Clubs,
Conservative, Liberal and United Nations Associations,
Women's Voluntary Service, Amateur Dramatic Society,
Pantomime Society and the Old Age Pensioners'
Evergreen Club.
Copyright © P Reeks.