Verwood and Three Legged Cross Twinning Association - UK
 "Currently Twinned with Oree d'Anjou in France and
Liederbach in Germany."

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A little look at the Ancient History of Champtoceaux.

If you are visiting Champtoceaux and find yourself at the Viewpoint overlooking Oudon then head east until you come to a bridge going under the road where you will find a path that takes you down to the river Loire. Along  this path are plaques denoting an Ancient view of Champtoceaux and its history some of which I have replicated with associated text. It does explain where some of the names in and around Champtoceaux come from like Champalude (by the church) and La Luce (The name of the ferry to Oudon).


May 2025

May. 2025  - The planned visit to "Orée d’Anjou" has now been postponed until May 2026.


From the 9th to the 12th May 2024 Verwood Celebrated
40 Years of  twinning with our
friends from"Orée d’Anjou" in France.

To celebrate 40 Years of Verwood's twinning with "Orée d’Anjou" 34 friends were received on their arrival in Verwood on Thursday the 9th with a reception at the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre and were welcomed by the chairman of the Twinning Association and the Mayor of Verwood, Cllr.Toni Coombs. As well as spending time renewing old acquaintances they were entertained with a Gala Dinner at the Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth on Friday evening. On Saturday they had a conducted tour of the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranborne followed by a buffet lunch at the Crane Valley Golf Club. Early on Sunday morning they said their goodbyes to their hosts when they left for the 08:30 ferry from Poole.
 The picture shows the group with their hosts at the Crane Valley Golf Club on Saturday.

The Orée d’Anjou Visit Itinerary





 Thursday 9th May

15:00 Estimated arrival at The Heritage Centre in Verwood for reception and meet up with hosts.

17:00 Evening to be spent with hosts.

 Friday 19th May

Free day to spend with hosts.

19:00 Meet at Marsham Court Hotel, Bournemouth for Soirée.
3 course evening meal and a dance.

 Saturday 11th May

11:00 Meet at Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne.

13:15 Crane Valley Golf Club for buffet lunch.

15:40 Evening to be spent with hosts.

 Sunday 12th May

05:00 Meet at Potters Wheel car park, Verwood.

05:30 Coach departs Verwood Heritage Centre for Poole ferry port.



   Where is Verwood, Oree d'Anjou and  Liederbach am Taunus?   

In 1984/5, after the formation of the Verwood Twinning Association the first twinning ceremonies occurred. First in Verwood and then in Champtoceaux. In 1992 due to the expanding size of Verwood it was extended to include the other eight French communities in the canton. These include Bouzillé, Drain, Landemont, Liré, Saint Christophe La Couperie, Saint Laurent des Autels and Saint Sauveur de Landemont as well as Champtoceaux itself. The original Canton consisting of the 9 communities is now grouped together as "Orée-d'Anjou".

Champtoceaux itself is situated south of the river Loire between Nantes and Angers.

In 1992 Verwood  also twinned with the small German town of ' Liederbach am Taunus', which is close to ' Frankfurt am Main'.

Plaques and photographs marking the formal twinning ceremonies are on display in the Town Council Chamber and  Various other gifts received from our twin towns are displayed in the Council Chamber, the Library and the Heathlands Heritage Centre.

Subsequent articles are derived from the recorded information such as minutes and press cuttings along with memories and anecdotes of current and past members. If anybody reading this knows of further information then please get in touch with the webmaster @






 If you would like to to be involved in the Verwood Twinning Association then why not join.

MEMBERSHIP is open to any person or organisations in sympathy with the aims of the Association. -
There are two categories of membership :-

    1. Individual membership (£4). - Membership by individual sons daughters and adopted children is free while under the age of eighteen years.

    2. Honorary Individual group membership (eg: schools) may be granted at the discretion of and with agreement of the committee.

For further information please contact the Chairman
Clive Grove on +44 (0)1202 826449 or email:


At the Twinning Association AGM held on the 25th of October 2018 changes to the Associations Constitution in order to comply with the new Data Protection requirements was accepted.
Select here to view a copy.



 Latest News & Updates.



Verwood & Three Legged Cross Twinning Association

Chairmans Report at the AGM 12th October, 2023

This year has seen a slow but steady increase in the numbers attending the Social Evenings. The committee agreed to begin arranging speakers on a once per Quarter basis for it to be financially viable. Speakers cost an average of £55 per session so an attendance minimum must be at least 30 people to cover the costs of the venue and refreshments. A possible solution is to increase the entry fee to £4 per person.

Normally our event year begins with the Christmas Extravaganza early in December. Unfortunately there was some confusion over the date last year and so there were not enough members of the committee available to run the Mulled Wine stall when the date was announced. This year however, we will be at the Extravaganza on 2nd December to offer our usual mulled wine and marshmallows for the children.

I would like to say a big thank you to the committee members for their contribution in keeping the social evenings running. Quizzes, refreshments, short films and raffles have added to the enjoyment in lieu of a formal speaker.

During May on Ascension weekend a party from our organisation visited Ore de Anjou. They were warmly welcomed and taken on visits to a Vineyard, a Japanese Garden, a Gala Dinner and a school. Our thanks go to our hosts in France for such an enjoyable weekend.

In June, our Mayor, received an invitation from Liederbach to attend their annual streetfest. Unfortunately this was received only one week prior to the event and close to the Coronation party in the park. There may be an opportunity to visit the streetfest in 2024 as we have been notified of the date as 15th June.

The Coronation party on the Memorial Ground was a great success, both for the community and our own Wine Bar. We sold nearly £700 worth of wine on the day. A donation of £100 was made to the Mayor`s Charity as agreed prior to the event.

In memoriam, sadly, one of our long term members, Ralph White, passed away.

On a brighter note, another long term member and former committee Secretary, Sheila Hollingsworth, will be 100 years old this month. She may even get a card from the King!

This year`s Rustic Fayre was a bumper! We were offered the use of the pavilion in Potterne Park by the Rotary Club to sell sandwiches, bacon rolls, cakes, teas and coffees. The agreement was for a 50% split of the net profit. On the day we sold over £2000 worth of goods and a profit of over £1400 was achieved. Even with our donation to the Rotary charities we achieved over £700, the best ever in my recollection. My thanks go to the committee members for their work the day before making sandwiches and cooking bacon etc. Also, to the helpers who gave their time and helped serving. Over 400 cups of tea and coffee were poured!.

Like many other organisations in our community, Membership has declined since the Covid pandemic. The same is true for us. Our biggest challenge is to retain the current Members and explore ways to grow.

Financially we are sound and healthy although a major expense will be incurred in May of this year when our friends from Ore de Anjou will visit us for a weekend. It is unclear how many will be visiting (possible 35) and a programme of events is yet to be formulated. The main challenge is obtaining enough hosts from the membership. We may have to appeal to the wider community and this may lead to new members, who knows?

Please support the social evenings whenever possible. This will I hope enable us to get back to having interesting speakers every month.

Clive Grove





 Current Planned Visits & News Snippets.

  • Next Year Verwood Twinning Association is planning a twinning visit from our French Friends from 'Oree d'Anjou' on the 9th to the 13th May 2024.
    We are looking for about an addtional 20 beds from people who are willing to host. Please contact our chairman Clive (
    groveinaggis @ ) if you can help or would like more details.

  • German Telephone box - This gift from our friends in Liederbach has now found a permanent home after many years as a book exchange on the Dewlands Caravan Park.
    It started out at the Verwood Youth Club before returning to the rear of the Town Hall for many years. It then went to the Verwood HUB but due to the extension work there it returned back to the rear of the Town Hall. Since September 2019 it has now been re-located to Dewlands Caravan Park as a book exchange. It is hoped that this is where it will remain.
    Interestingly the gift of a UK telephone box can now be found in Liederbach where it is also being used as a book exchange.

  • See the "What's On" page for details of our regular meeting at the Heritage Centre.

Please note the following administrative changes in France 

The political landscape in France is changing as M. Holland attempts to reduce the cost of local administration. Verwood was previously twinned with the 9 towns and villages of Champtoceaux and its Canton. It had 9 elected Mayors, one for each community. Under the re-organisation Champtoceaux and its canton of 9 communities have been merged for administrative purposes and it is now called "d'Orée-d'Anjou" . d'Orée-d'Anjou is now linked to it's neighburning communities as shown below :-

Liste des communes "d'Orée-d'Anjou".



Code Insee

Superfice (Km 2)

(dernière pop. légale )

( hab./km 2 )




2413 (2013)





1508 (2013)





2089 (2013)





1726 (2013)





2494 (2013)





850 (2013)





2286 (2013)





923 (2013)


La Varenne



1736 (2013)



From a twinning point of View there is little change as Verwood is still twinned with Chamtoceaux 
but the Canton is now Orée-d'Anjou. Future entries on this website will normally refer to Orée-d'Anjou

Further information can be found on Wikipedia etc, Use link "Orée-d'Anjou"


    WWI - 100 Years On in 2014     


 On Sunday November the 9th 2014



Boules in Verwood

If anybody, whether in Twinning or not, wishes to play, then please feel free to use the facility - It was provided by the Town Council to be used. If there is a desire by enough people to have friendly games then please contact Twinning with their  details.

Clive Grove (Chairman) on     01202 826449 or


The Association normally holds a members meeting on the 2nd Thursday every month at the Heritage Centre when there is normally a talk on some interesting topic. In addition it also organises various social events and a summer outing for members and friends.

At the 20th Anniversary of twinning with our French Town in 2004 Champtoceaux Avenue was officially named.  There is also a Liederbach Drive and a Champtoceaux Green.  

Members visit our twin towns and receive French and German visitors every two to three years.

The Tapestry given to Verwood by its twinned French Town of Champtoceaux during the visit in May 2005 is now framed and on display in the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre, along with the large pot (see below), gifted by Liederbach in Germany to Verwood in 2003. Other gifts received reside in the Verwood Library and the Council Offices.




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(Last modified: 03 October 2024.)
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