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 Organ Soc.
 "20+ years of community support in Verwood."

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Verwood Organ & Keyboard Society has now closed.

No more events are planned.

Verwood in Tune

Due to the societies financial situation and the inability to attract new members or officers an important proposition (see below) was put forward at the AGM on the 25th October 2017 and accepted by members.

"We, the members of the Verwood Keyboard Society Committee, recommend that an Agreement be drawn up between the Society and the Hub, stating that the Verwood Keyboard Society will pay for the artistes for 2018 and 2019, but the concerts will be managed and promoted by the Hub staff. Tickets for all concerts to be maintained at £8 for 2018 & 2019."

Following a secret ballot of members, the Verwood Keyboard Society now come under the auspices of the Verwood Hub who are calling the new venture “Verwood in Tune”

The Society itself will continue to pay for the entertainers until the end of 2019 and give general support to the Hub staff, but "The Hub" will develop their own style of event.

    All concerts take place at the Hub at 2pm on the last Wednesday of each month, February to November inclusive, with many of the popular players, plus some new ones.  Tickets, just £8 for an excellent afternoon of popular music, can be booked by phone (01202 828740) or in person at the Hub at any time and details of each concert can be found on this site or on the Organfax website under “Clubs – Verwood in Tune”.


Early History

The society’s forerunner, "The Verwood & District Organ Society" was formed in 1994 after a handful of enthusiasts agreed there would be enough support to form a new society, without adversely affecting four others which existed within a fifteen mile radius of Verwood. 

A committee was formed and the organist Chris Powell was invited to play the inaugural concert in March 1995. The society grew at a surprising rate & very soon had a capacity membership of 220, with an average 40 names on a waiting list ever since. At the 2001 AGM the name was changed to The Verwood Organ & Keyboard Society.

In recent years Verwood, has been recognised as the fastest growing area in Europe, from a village of twelve hundred inhabitants to a town of ten times that number. (visit the History Section for more information). This has resulted in several developments including a new £3m Community Centre now known as the "Verwood HUB", within which is the Merrifield Theatre containing tiered seating for 300 people, a large stage with state of the art lighting and audio equipment, a licensed bar and refreshment area etc 

The societies initial venue was the "Verwood Memorial Hall", but with the opening of the Verwood HUB, the Society ran a series of concerts at the new venue over a period of several months during 2007. Members were given a chance at the 2008 AGM to express their preference of venue for future concerts. This resulted in a two to one vote in favour of relocating from the "Memorial Hall" to the new theatre at the  "HUB". (Select here for a location map

With the larger venue there is no longer a waiting list and concerts are now open to the general public - space permitting. The Society prides itself on being a 'Happy Society' that draws it's strength by working together as a friendly Committee - a point that has been noted and commented upon many times by visiting artistes.


Usual meeting day:

Regular monthly concerts are held, 
 - usually on the last Wednesday of the month.
 - Doors open at 01:30 p.m.
 - Concerts Commence at 02:00 p.m.


Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Verwood, BH31 7QE 
Tel:- 01202 828740

Start time:

Doors open 13:30 - Concert starts 14:00



Location of Verwood HUB



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