The original Verwood and TLX Community website.

 "20+ years of community support in Verwood."

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 Heritage Centre News and Updates - 2007. 


October 9th :- The AGM of the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre will be held at 07:30 p.m.


  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes of the last AGM and Matters Arising (if not in agenda).

  3. Chairman's Report

  4. Treasurer's Report

  5. Adoption of Accounts

  6. Archivist's Report

  7. Elections  (Trustees are not elected)

    1. Executive Council: appointed members remain; VHS,VTC, EDDC.
      To be elected: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Archivist, two Friends' Association Members.

    2.  Management Committee: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Archivist are ex- officio members.
      To be elected: up to four Friends' Association Members. The Management Committee may co-opt
      up to two members from sub-committees.

    3. Election of Auditor.

  8. AOB

Teas/coffees after meeting.

Subs (£5) due unless already paid in last 4 months or on Standing Order.


August 24th :-

The Withered ArmOn Friday the 24th August, VHHC present

Further Tales at the Pottery"
with Ray Sargent
Two Classic Victorian Stories of Mystery and Suspense performed by Raymond Sargent.

"The Withered Arm" is a local premiere as part of the Sting in the Tale Festival!

Please see the Special Events Page.



July :- .

 Note that the "" website has been reorganised.
New Verwood.Org Sites Details This site contains Verwood general community Information including the "What's On" page. This is the site of the
"Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre". This is the site of the
"Verwood & 3LX" Twinning Association". This is the site that is aimed at giving information about the history of Verwood including its chronology with reminiscences.

Old Legacy Sites

Currently these sites are re-directed. Now points to "" Now points to ""



June 3rd :- The new exhibition is now "Cranborne & Edmondsham", kindly loaned by Chris Bright.

The Scouts & Guides display has been retained in the hall.


May 22nd :- For a full report (and pictures) on the recent twinning visit by our friends from Champtoceaux then please select the LOGO to visit the Twinning Website.


February 24th :-  Dorset Family History Society, Woodlands and Verwood Historical Society visited the Centre for another successful event in order to help people Trace their Ancestors.  Entry was FREE.


Moors Valley Country Park & Forest
Horton Road, Ashley Heath, Nr Ringwood.February :- Verwood Health Walks now take place every Friday at 09:45 for a 10:00 a.m. start. These walks are organised and lead by rangers of East Dorset Country Management Services (Moors Valley) and are FREE though you will be required to wear suitable clothing and register, please bring along some change for a cuppa at the end of the walk.

"Walking the Way to Health" is a National Scheme supported by the British Heart Foundation and Natural England to encourage people to walk more for the benefit of their health.

Note:- that  Health Walks also occur in Wimborne, Moors Valley and Avon Valley Country Parks. Please visit the Website  ( for further information, Leaflets can also be picked up at the Heritage Centre.


February :- The new Exhibition "Verwood Youth Activities" opened.




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( Last modified: March 09, 2025 ) 
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