Heritage Centre News
and Updates - 2005.
17th :-

Thanks to the Town Council, who
under the new licensing laws obtained a licence for the
Verwood Christmas Extravaganza held on Saturday the 17th of
December at the Heritage Centre and on Ferrett Green. The
license covered both locations. During the evening the
Verwood Rotary Clubs Father Christmas did his usual tour.
The training band of Verwood Concert Brass played while the
mulled wine or hot coffee and mince pies were thoroughly
11th :-

Local Mayors from the
area at the Civic Function held in
the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre and the
Memorial Hall on the 11th December 2005.
December 8th :- The
Twinning Sub Web includes the History of Twinning in Verwood
now added to the site.
December 4th :- Verwood
Twinning Association trip to Germany.

Verwood Mayor Mr Mike Daymond and Mr
& Mrs Newman getting into the Christmas Spirit,
manning Verwood's Stall at the Liederbach Christmas Market
(in Germany) during the visit by Verwood Twinning.
Select here for full report!
November :- Thanks to Angela Daymond (the wife of Verwood's
mayor) for providing this comment from Janine Pulford,
Editor of Viewpoint in October/November 2005. (It is
reproduced here with her permission.)
“I’ve often heard it said that
nobody knows where the real heart of the town (Verwood) is. Well, I’m pretty
sure I do – and it’s not in a shopping mall, nor in a
high street as these don’t exist – Verwood’s heart is
in its people. In
particular those volunteers who give their time and energy
towards helping others and organising fund-raising events. This in turn benefits
the whole community, young and old. Verwood definitely
has a heart and it cares for itself in a truly remarkable
November :- Further pages added which include Chronological list of events
in Verwood and an additional section covering Reminiscences from "Old
Verwoodians". These will be expanded as further issues
come to light.
October 17th :- The Verwood Heathland Heritage
Centre AGM, 07:30 p.m. at the Centre.
Minutes of the last AGM
and Matters Arising (if not in agenda).
Chairman's Report.
Treasurer's Report
Adoption of Accounts
Archivist's Report
Executive Council:
- appointed members remain VHS, VTC, EDDC.
Elected Members: - Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer and Archivist.
Management Committee:
Ex officio members: - Chairman, Secretary,
Treasurer and Archivist.
Elected Members: - up 4 friends' Association
Note the committee can co-opt up to 2
members from sub-committees.
Election of Auditor.
Select here
for the latest newsletter from the Secretary.
October 3rd :- The
Heritage Centre opening hours changed - 09:30 a.m. to 12:00
September 24th :- Hurdle
making, Besom making and Pole Lathe Turning demonstrations
will be held on Ferrett Green in front of the Heathland
Heritage Centre with Mr Don Taylor, Mr Terry Heard and Mr
Chris Albray. The materials for used by Terry for his besoms
comes from sustainable wood taken from heathland and native
woodland for the benefit of wildlife. The handle is normally
made from coppiced hazel and the head is from birch. Terry
Heard of "Dorset Coppicing Ltd." also make Bean
poles, pea sticks, fence stakes, birdtables and traditional
cleaved pegs. See the following
September 13th 2005 :- The new "Verwood Churches" Exhibition
opens at the VHHC. Note that the last day to see the
current "War Years" Exhibition will be on
the 9th September. - please see the Exhibitions page.
10th to 18th, 2005 :-Dorset Architectural Heritage Week
- This event organised by the EDHT (East Dorset Heritage
August :- It was announced that the Tapestry
given to Verwood by its twinned French Town of Champtoceaux
during the recent visit is to be framed and is displayed in
the Heritage Centre along with the large pot gifted by
Liederbach in Germany which already resides in the Heathland
Heritage Centre.
August :- In her
newsletter to the "Friends of the Heritage
Centre", the Secretary says that due to the centres
success the "merry band of volunteers" needs
additional members/stewards, not only in the Coffee Shop but
also covering the Museum/Exhibition Hall because on many
days it is no longer possible for Coffee Shop volunteers to
cover this area which leaves the Museum without a
If you are prepared to spare an hour or two as a steward
then please contact the secretary, Ann Page. You do not need to know about Verwood's history or
what all the Exhibitions are about, though it obviously
helps if you are interested.
June 13th:- The Official Opening of Phase two
of the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre by the Marques of
Salisbury, PC, DL occurred. Select here for more
May / June :- The unit is now nearing completion and the
decorators moved in and have now finished painting the unit.
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