Verwood & Three Legged Cross
Twinning Association
Report at the AGM 12th
October, 2023 |
This year has seen a slow but steady increase
in the numbers attending the Social Evenings. The committee
agreed to begin arranging speakers on a once per Quarter
basis for it to be financially viable. Speakers cost an
average of £55 per session so an attendance minimum must be
at least 30 people to cover the costs of the venue and
refreshments. A possible solution is to increase the entry
fee to £4 per person.
Normally our event year begins with the
Christmas Extravaganza early in December. Unfortunately
there was some confusion over the date last year and so
there were not enough members of the committee available to
run the Mulled Wine stall when the date was announced. This
year however, we will be at the Extravaganza on 2nd
December to offer our usual mulled wine and marshmallows for
the children.
I would like to say a big thank you to the
committee members for their contribution in keeping the
social evenings running. Quizzes, refreshments, short films
and raffles have added to the enjoyment in lieu of a formal
During May on Ascension weekend a party from
our organisation visited Ore de Anjou. They were warmly
welcomed and taken on visits to a Vineyard, a Japanese
Garden, a Gala Dinner and a school. Our thanks go to our
hosts in France for such an enjoyable weekend.
In June, our Mayor, received an invitation
from Liederbach to attend their annual streetfest.
Unfortunately this was received only one week prior to the
event and close to the Coronation party in the park. There
may be an opportunity to visit the streetfest in 2024 as we
have been notified of the date as 15th
The Coronation party on the Memorial Ground
was a great success, both for the community and our own Wine
Bar. We sold nearly £700 worth of wine on the day. A
donation of £100 was made to the Mayor`s Charity as agreed
prior to the event.
In memoriam, sadly, one of our long term
members, Ralph White, passed away.
On a brighter note, another long term member
and former committee Secretary, Sheila Hollingsworth, will
be 100 years old this month. She may even get a card from
the King!
This year`s Rustic Fayre was a bumper! We
were offered the use of the pavilion in Potterne Park by the
Rotary Club to sell sandwiches, bacon rolls, cakes, teas and
coffees. The agreement was for a 50% split of the net
profit. On the day we sold over £2000 worth of goods and a
profit of over £1400 was achieved. Even with our donation to
the Rotary charities we achieved over £700, the best ever in
my recollection. My thanks go to the committee members for
their work the day before making sandwiches and cooking
bacon etc. Also, to the helpers who gave their time and
helped serving. Over 400 cups of tea and coffee were
Like many other organisations in our
community, Membership has declined since the Covid pandemic.
The same is true for us. Our biggest challenge is to retain
the current Members and explore ways to grow.
Financially we are sound and healthy although
a major expense will be incurred in May of this year when
our friends from Ore de Anjou will visit us for a weekend.
It is unclear how many will be visiting (possible 35) and a
programme of events is yet to be formulated. The main
challenge is obtaining enough hosts from the membership. We
may have to appeal to the wider community and this may lead
to new members, who knows?
Please support the social evenings whenever
possible. This will I hope enable us to get back to having
interesting speakers every month.
Clive Grove
Chairman |