- 100 Years on,
Nov. 9th 2014 - Verwood Remembers.

British Legion Remembrance day - 2014.
09:30 a.m on the 9th November 2014 a "Remembrance Day" Service
(standing room only) was held in St Michaels Church Verwood. At the end
of the service and after collecting their Poppy Wreaths. representatives
of the attending organisation marched behind Verwood Concert Brass from
St Michaels to Ferrett Green. There in front of a large crowd and
after a short service the 2 minute silence was observed at 11:00 a.m.
Sophie Howes from Verwood Concert Brass played "The Last Post"
and "Reveille". Wreaths were laid at the War Memorial by the Mayor, the Royal British
Legion, the Royal British Legion Womens Section, Help for Heroes, Police
Service, Fire Service, Churches, Youth Organisations and many societies
and individuals from Verwood. The Rev. Andrew Sinclair led the
prayers and gave the
final blessing.
(The Picture
shows The Mayor of Verwood (Cllr. Pat Morrow) laying her wreath)
her speech the mayor of Verwood (Cllr. Pat Morrow) mentioned the
last soldier from Verwood to die.
(Rifleman Philip Allen
- see picture)
Mayor also welcomed a contingent of soldiers from the 259 Signal
Regiment (Information Support) based in Blandford who
were supporting the event as 126 Petroleum Squadron West Moors has now
been disbanded. The
training facility still remains at West Moors.
soldiers from 259 Signal Regiment, Blandford wish to build up links with Verwood and offer
support in the future.

Freeman Mrs Pam Reeks
leading the Verwood Concert Brass.
photos; Stuart Clifton |