The original Verwood and TLX Community website.

 Old News
 "20+ years of community support in Verwood."

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  Old News Items for 2025 

Thursday the 9th of Jan. 2025 at 19:30 Hrs -
 Verwood Pantomime Society presents

For Tickets please visit the Hub, call 01202 828740 or
 "Select this link"  .


Show Date

Adult Ticket

Children's Ticket


Saturday 18, 2025 @ 14:00




Saturday 18, 2025 @ 18:30




Wednesday 22, 2025 @ 19:30




Thursday 23, 2025 @ 19:30




Friday 24, 2025 @ 19:30




Saturday 25, 2025 @ 14:00




Saturday 25, 2025 @ 18:00




NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.




Don't forget to visit Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza on Ferrett Green.
 Saturday the 30th November 2024.
from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. 
(Note changed times.)
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The tree lights will be switched on, and the Training Band will play. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee.The Twinning Assoc. will supply mulled wine, mince pies & marshmallows, and the scouts will supply Burgers plus other stalls & rides.





From the 9th to the 12th May 2024 Verwood Celebrated
40 Years of  twinning with our
friends from"Orée d’Anjou" in France.

To celebrate 40 Years of Verwood's twinning with "Orée d’Anjou" 34 friends were received on their arrival in Verwood on Thursday the 9th with a reception at the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre and were welcomed by the chairman of the Twinning Association and the Mayor of Verwood, Cllr.Toni Coombs. As well as spending time renewing old acquaintances they were entertained with a Gala Dinner at the Marsham Court Hotel in Bournemouth on Friday evening. On Saturday they had a conducted tour of the Ancient Technology Centre in Cranborne followed by a buffet lunch at the Crane Valley Golf Club. Early on Sunday morning they said their goodbyes to their hosts when they left for the 08:30 ferry from Poole.
 The picture shows the group with their hosts at the Crane Valley Golf Club on Saturday.

If you wish to be involved then please come along to one of our meeting or visit  the website (select the link).




Home Start Wessex
is recruiting for volunteers now.

Parenthood can be overwhelming. We believe that the best possible start in life for a child begins with their family. A nurturing, loving, stable home environment strongly determines a child's future life chances. We provide specially trained volunteers to support parents who are finding it difficult to cope. Visiting their homes or in a group setting. Your knowledge and experience could be the vital support a local family needs to make a difference.

   FREE, high quality training..      
Get in touch .
Or call 01202 574877 for more information



After the Lantern Parade there will be refreshments
 and entertainment on Ferrett Green.



Please note that Verwood Carnival is
 cancelled for 2024

due to a shortage of Volunteers.

 If you are interested in volunteering for the 2025 Verwood Carnival,
please email




Verwood Mayor's 2023 Reception.
On Sunday the 19th November 2023, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Toni Coombs and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area at the Heritage Centre for tea/coffee and biscuits. Here they were given a talk by the chairman of the trustees Christopher Thorne and saw a PowerPoint presentation on the History of Verwood.  Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by Charlotte Geary after which they then enjoyed a delicious meal.

Photo - Paul T Butolph (PTBPhotography)

2023 Remembrance in Verwood

After a church service at St Michael's a large crowd gathered with Verwood's Mayor (Cllr. Coombs) at 11 a.m. on the 12th of November for the 2 minute silence and wreath laying at the War Memorial on Ferrett Green.

photo:- Stuart Clifton


In 2024 Verwood Pantomime Society
Dick Whittington
Verwood HUB, Brock Way.
Tel:- 01202 828740


   Book Online now 



Show Times



20th January 02:00 p.m. & 06:30 p.m.


24th January 07:30 p.m.


25th January 07:30 p.m


26th January 07:30 p.m


27th January 02:00 p.m. & 06:30 p.m.


Don't forget to visit Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza on Ferrett Green.
 Saturday the 2nd December 2023
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. 
(Note changed times.)
The Christmas lights switch on will be at 04:30 p.m.

There will be many events including Children's fair ride, Face & Glitter Painting BBQ,, Candy floss & doughnuts.Verwood Concert Bras will play & carols will be sung around the tree.  Along with other stalls and entertainment the Twinning Assoc. will supply mulled wine and the Heritage Centre hot coffee & Mince Pies. 


Dorset Police have made an appeal for CCTV identification and information following an assault after the "Flameburst Fireworks Display" in Verwood on Saturday the 28th of October 2023.

After the event a group of male young people attempted to gain entry when the event was closing. This resulted in two 70+ volunteers receiving sustained injuries requiring hospital treatment.

Please follow the Police link below for further information and the CCTV Pictures if you think you can help.

Both gentlemen have supported many events in Verwood over many years and Adrian Wareham was presented with the Freedom of Verwood on the 23rd July 2023. for his Community work.


   Royston Slade passed away on the 19th of October 2023.  

It is with sadness and deep regret that I have to advise you that Royston Slade has passed away on the 19th of October 2023. Roy had been a member of twinning, was on the Verwood Town Council and also the Mayor of Verwood in 2001. Many will remember him as the voice on the PA at previous Rustic Fayres. Roy was awarded the "Freedom of the Town" in 2023 for his services to the community. He was also the British Legion standard bearer for Verwood. His funeral has been arranged for the 9th November 2023. There will be a private service for his family at the crematorium and then a celebration of his life at 1.30pm at St Michaels Church, Verwood.


.21st to 28th Jan. 2023  - Verwood Pantomime Soc.
present "Aladdin" at the HUB
- Entry £10 - children £8
- Contact 01202 828740 or "Select Tickets".

   Sat. 21st Jan.2023 - 2pm & 6.30pm
   Wed. 25th Jan. 2023 - 7.30pm (Entry £7 on Wed.)
   Thu.26th Jan. 2023 - 7.30pm (Entry £7 - Thur.)
   Fri. 27th Jan. 2023 - 7.30pm
   Sat. 28th Jan. 2023 - 2pm & 6.30pm



NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.





2022 Remembrance Day Parade
On Friday the 11th November 2022

from 10:50 Hrs at the War Graves by St. Michael's Church.
- everyone is welcome to attend.

Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday in Verwood on the 13th November 2022

Gather from 10:50 a.m. at the War Memorial in front of the Heritage Centre.
At 09:45 a Service will be held in St Michaels Church Verwood.
At 10:45 the company will March from St Michaels Church  to Ferrett Green.
At 11:00 after a 2 minute silence wreaths will be laid at the War Memorial.
Please note the slight changes to the Marching route.
Leave St. Michaels Church, via Church Hill to Dewlands Way turn up Manor Road to the Crossroads then turn right on the B3081 (Station Rd.) and form up by the war memorial.


2022 Remembrance in Verwood

On the 29th of October 2022 the Mayor of Verwood (Cllr. Simon Gibson) bought the first poppy from Roy Setchfield, the Ferndown Poppy Appeal Organiser, to launch the Appeal in Verwood.

photo:- Stuart Clifton



Saturday the 29th October 2022 - on 'The Fuzzy Bit'
(off Crane Drive in Verwood. Dorset , BH31 6QF)

Annual Fireworks Dispay.
Entry £5 (cash Only) - under 3's free - Proceeds to Verwood Charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 18.30   Main Stage opened.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Main Stage.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display starts.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.




  In 2022 Verwood Pantomime Society
will present
Sleeping Beauty
Verwood HUB, Brock Way.
Tel:- 01202 828740


 - Fri & Sat         £10   (Under 18s)  £8
 - Wed & Thu    £7


Show times



Jan 2022

26th Jan 2022
27th Jan 2022
28th Jan 2022
29th Jan 2022




  Old News Items for 2021  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.



Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza
on Saturday the 11th December 2021
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on
Ferrett Green. The lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee while outside the Twinning Assoc will supply mulled wine and marshmallows, plus many other local stalls and rides.

2021 Remembrance Sunday in Verwood

After a church service at St Michael's a large crowd gathered with Verwood's Mayor (Cllr. Matthew Parker) and the Vicar Deborah Mathews at 11 a.m. on the 14th for the 2 minute silence and wreath laying at the War Memorial on Ferrett Green. Many wreaths were laid including one to remember Rifleman Philip Allen from Verwood who died in Afghanistan in 2009. A large group of military personnel also attended along with their families.

photos:- Stuart Clifton

2021 Remembrance Day in Verwood

In October 2021 Verwood's Mayor (Cllr. Matthew Parker) bought the first poppy from Bob Richman the Verwood Poppy Appeal Organiser, to launch the Appeal in Verwood.

photo:- Stuart Clifton



  • Hot food and drinks available

  • Fairground

  • Two firework displays

  • Family act on stage

  • Street Entertainers.

  • Free car park.

  • Toilets.

  • Steam Engines.

  • Family Fairground..

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 30th October 2021
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.Dorset , BH31 6QF
Entry £5 (cash Only) - under 3's free

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 An Alcohol Free Event ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 18.30   Main Stage opened.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Main Stage .including Robbie Tribute.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m.




  Old News Items for 2020  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.




Remembrance Day in Verwood

On Wednesday Oct. 27th 2020 Verwood's Mayor (Cllr. Mathew Parker) bought the first poppy from Bob Richman the Verwood Poppy Appeal Organiser, to launch the Appeal in Verwood.

photo:- Stuart Clifton



Verwood Twinning Association
Please select here for a report on the
May 30th to June 2nd 2019 visit from

Orée-d'Anjou in France to Verwood.

photo Stuart Clifton

Cllr. Pat Morrow

On Monday the 13th May 2019
the Statutory Annual Meeting of
Verwood and Three Legged Cross Town Council met in Verwood Town Hall to elect the 2019/2020 Mayor of Verwood.

 Cllr. Pat Morrow

Also elected was the Deputy Mayor and standing Committees for the year 2017/2018.

The retiring Mayor Cllr Sandra Grove gave her retiring speech and presented a cheque for £3200 for her chosen charity the British Heart Foundation.

The Mayor of Verwood's Christmas Card for 2019
 A competition to select the Mayors Christmas card was run with the Verwood Photographic Group and the winning entry was made by Mr Tony Harris with his view of Dewlands Common entitled 'Winter Wonderland'. He is seen here presenting a mounted copy of the chosen photograph to Cllr. Pat Morrow the mayor of Verwood.

photo Stuart Clifton

Verwood Mayors 2019 Reception
On Sunday the 1st December 2019, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Pat Morrow and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area at the Town Hall for tea/coffee and mince pies.  Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by the Little Acorns and the Training Band of Verwood Concert Brass after which they then enjoyed a delicious meal served up by Beales Gourmet.

photo Stuart Clifton

This event is now cancelled and will be rescheduled for a later date.
or those that may be interested in Archaeology and History
On Friday the 20th of March 19:30 - In the Verwood Memorial Hall.
Julian Richards (well known for his TV presentations) will present

"A Potted History of Britain"
6000 years of ceramic history
from our Neolithic ancestors right up to car brakes.
 This event is being staged to raise funds for the (Diocese of Salisbury). 
Salisbury - Sudan link  which  provides medical training and supplies to Sudan.
There will be a Ploughman's supper during the evening.
(please bring your own drink, glasses and cutlery).
Tickets £12.50 - from Lindsey on 01202 824473  -

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for
"Cinderella" are now available from
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740


 Adults £10 - Children £8 (under 18s)
 Wednesday & Thursday only all tickets £7

Show times


18th Jan 2020 
22nd Jan 2020
23rd Jan 2020
24th Jan 2020
25th Jan 2020

 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm


  Old News Items for 2019  



No photo description available.No photo description available.Children, on Christmas Eve 

For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the
Continental Air Defence Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa. Track him on the24th December.

Churches Together this Christmas
in Verwood and Three Legged Cross invite you to share their 
Christmas Celebrations.

Select here for all December 2019 Services. 

 Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza
on Saturday the 7th December 2019
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee.The Twinning Assoc. will supply mulled wine, mince pies & marshmallows, plus other local stalls & rides. 

On Wednesday Oct. 23rd Verwood's Mayor  (Cllr. Pat Morrow) bought the first poppy from
Bob Richman the Poppy Appeal Organiser, to launch the Appeal in Verwood.

Details on What's-On page.

Verwood's Mayor buys the first Poppy

Note that the Royal British Legion Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday the 10th of November with a service in St Michaels Church Verwood at 09:45 a.m. followed by a parade to the Memorial on Ferrett Green for the Silence and laying of Wreaths at 11 a.m.

photo Stuart Clifton

Verwood Bowls Club on 13th April 2019           
Seasonal Opening Photograph.
Open days for wishing to try bowls
Saturdays the 27th April, 4th May and 11th of May at 10am.

contact:- 01202 814355

Monday 27th May 2019 at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive

Admission £4 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Gates 12:00 a.m. until early evening. Arena events from 1.00 p.m.

Please visit the Carnival Website for full information of all arena events

and in addition note that on Saturday the 25th of May 2019
BMX STUNT TEAM are offering a skills and tricks workshop

Check the website -

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for
"Robin Hood" are now available from
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740


 Adults £10 - Children £8 (under 18s)
 Wednesday & Thursday only all tickets £7

Show times


19th Jan 2019 
23rd Jan 2019
24th Jan 2019
25th Jan 2019
26th Jan 2019

 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm



  Old News Items for 2018  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.



Children, on Christmas Eve 

For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defence Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa.
Track him on his way round the World on the
evening of the 24th December by visiting

Churches Together this Christmas
in Verwood and Three Legged Cross invite you to share their 
Christmas Celebrations
Select here for all December 2018 Services. 

Don't Forget
 Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza
on Saturday the 8th December 2018
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on
Ferrett Green. The lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee while outside the Twinning Assoc will supply mulled wine and marshmallows, pl
us many other local stalls and rides. 
Verwood Mayors 2018 Reception

On Sunday the 2nd December 2018, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Sandra Grove and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area at the Verwood Heritage Centre where they could visit the Museum and local children demonstrated items.  Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by two talented teenagers and the Verwood Community Choir after which they then enjoyed a delicious meal served up by Beales Gourmet.

photo Stuart Clifton

On Sunday the 11th November 2018 - Royal British Legion Remembrance.
At 09:45 a Service will be held in St Michaels Church Verwood.
At 10:45 the company will March from St Michaels Church  to Ferrett Green.
At 11:00 after a 2 minute silence wreaths will be laid at the War Memorial.

 Donations made following the Funeral of Pam Reeks in November 2018, raised a total of £1879.
On Monday the 8th of April 2019, her husband Ron Reeks presented cheques of £939 to both Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre & Concert Brass,
both of which were strongly supported by Pam.

photo Stuart Clifton

Verwood Freeman dies.

It is with regret that we have to report the death of
Pam Reeks  BEM
in Bournemouth Hospital on the 5th of November 2018 after a long illness.

The Service was held in Verwood Methodist Church on Wednesday the 21st of November 2018 with over 300 people attending.

Pam Reeks had lived in Verwood since she was 12. She had always been keen on this area's history and wrote her first thesis in 1968, this has been reproduced on this site and can be read if you visit "The History of Verwood".  She then went on to publish further books called “Verwood – Village Days” and “A Brief History of Verwood”. She also collaborated in the publication of “Village to Town” written by Jill Coulthard.

Pam was a founder member of the Historical Society and was the Trustee/Archivist of the "Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre".

Pam worked at Hillside First School for many years as a class teacher and specialised in Music and became the schools tennis coach. She was also involved in the schools BBC Doomsday project.

Pam was one of the founding members of the Rustic Fayre and from 1982 with her husband Ron organised the display of Stationary Engines and Vintage Vehicles until they retired from it in August 2006. A full report is at "Retirement of PAM & Ron".

She became Organist in her local Congregational Church at the age of 16, and later provided accompaniment for Verwood shows (like the Gang Show). She was heavily involved with Verwood Concert Brass where she  played 2nd Horn, becoming  the Training Band conductor, and later president. She was also involved with many other elements of town life including the Train Girls and Twinning Association, etc, etc.

Pam was honoured with the title "Freeman of Verwood" in December 2012 and was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to the community in the 2014 Honours List.

photo Stuart Clifton

Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance.
Sunday the 11th November 2018
This special event in Verwood celebrated the
100th anniversary of the ending of WW1.

At 09:45 a Service was held in St Michaels Church Verwood. followed at 10:45 With the Verwood Concert Brass leading the company from St Michaels Church  to Ferret Green. Everyone was welcomed by the Mayor (Mrs Sandra Grove),  followed by the holding of a 2 minutes silence at 11 O'clock.

After the silence Verwood and other groups were invited to lay their wreaths at the Verwood War Memorial. Anybody else who wished to was then invited to lay their own wreaths. The service was concluded with the blessing.

The main road was closed by the Police and the largest crowds seen in recent years stretched down both sides of the main road, and into the entrance of the car park as well as those crowds  surrounding the Verwood War Memorial in front of the Heritage Centre. After the Service the Salvation Army invited those who wished to have a cup of tea or coffee in the Memorial Hall. The large display of over 3000 knitted poppies arranged by Verwood Rotary Club added to the occasion.

photos Stuart Clifton

Verwood Remembers

2018 marks the 100th Anniversary of the end of the First World War.

To help celebrate this special centenary, the Rotary Club of Verwood ran a "Knit a Big Poppy" project to raise funds for the British Legion poppy appeal.

Many local organisations and community members of Verwood knitted over 2000 BIG red poppies and on the 3rd of Nov. 2018 (Prior to Remembrance Day) they were tied to the railings of the Memorial Hall and War Memorial in time for the Remembrance Day service.

The Rotary Club will donate 50p for each poppy (up to £1000) to the Royal British Legion.


  • Two firework displays.

  • Chips Noodles, Sausages & mash available.

  • Family act on stage.

  • Hog Roast

  • Tea, coffee, soup & soft drinks.

  • Family Fairground

  • Street entertainers.

  • Toilets

  • Free car park.

  • Steam engines.

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 27th October 2018
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 An Alcohol Free Event ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 18.30   Ed Sheeran Tribute.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Ed Sheeran Tribute..

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m.
Tickets £4 (under 4's free)

Don't forget
 Dorset Architectural Heritage Week
Wed. 6th to Thurs. 16th Sep.

Facebook  Twitter


On Monday the 10th of September 2018 the  improvements to the Verwood Memorial Hall were opened in the presence of the
Mayor of Verwood,
Cllr. Sandra Grove and representatives of some of the Verwood Memorial Hall's regular hirers.

Memorial Hall Upgrades & Improvements

Grants of £5000 was given by the Town Council and Verwood's Solar Farm with Morrison's giving £20 towards the buffet. The photo shows (L to R), Mayor's Escort Vivien Clifton, Dennis Wright (chairman), Cllr Sandra Grove, Ann Abernethie (sec/treasurer) and behind them the members of the committee.

photo Mike Daymond

September 2018 Twinning / Partnershaften.
Liederbach visited Verwood.

photo Stuart Clifton

On the 7th of September 2018 Verwood was visited by its twin town of Liederbach in Germany. Guests were collected from Heathrow and on the Saturday they visited "Milestones Museum" near Basingstoke, after which they visited Winchester. On Sunday, they visited Highcliffe Castle and had lunch at the Hermitage Hotel in Bournemouth. They left on Monday the 10th of Sept. for the return flight to Frankfurt.
(Select here for the full report.)

On Thursday the 30th August to the 2nd September
on Bournemouth Sea Front.

Bournemouth AirFestival 2018
Award-winning and internationally renowned. Over 9.2 million people  entertained since 2008.

On Thursday the 23rd to Monday the 27th of August
at Tarrant Hinton, Blandford.  Forum. DT11 8HX
Don't forget the

Great Dorset Steam Fair
In 2018 it celebrates its
50th anniversary.

Don't forget on Monday the 27th

Verwood Rotary's
Rustic Fayre 2018.

Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments
and  Arena events

28th May 2018

Verwood Carnival 2018

Monday 28th May 2018 at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Gates 12:00 a.m. until early evening. Arena events from 1.00 p.m..

Events include:  

Titan the Robot

The procession will leave the Carnival Field at 12:00
and follow their new extended route.

Check the website -

The Mayor of Verwood invites you
to the postponed charity

Vintage & Recycling Sale
(postponed form March).

It will now take place on
Saturday the 28th of April 2018.

Proceeds to  'DORSET MIND'.

Verwood Mayors Christmas Reception 2017

On Sunday the 3rd December 2016, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Lindsey Dedden and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area at the Verwood Heritage Centre.  Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by the "Verwood Choral Society" and an ensemble of "Verwood Concert Brass". They then enjoyed a delicious meal served up by Beales Gourmet.

The Mayor of Verwood invites you
to to the Memorial Hall for an evening with Archaeologist, TV & Radio presenter.

Julian Richards
On Friday the 2nd of February 2018. (19:30)

All proceeds to the Mayors Charity 'DORSET MIND'.
Tickets £12 from Council Offices & Heritage Centre
HOT SUPPER with Pudding included
Please bring your own cutlery drink and glasses.


  Old News Items for 2017  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.



 Churches Together this Christmas
in Verwood and Three Legged Cross invite you to share their 
Christmas Celebrations.

Select here for all December 2017 Services. 

Picture designed by Kate Steele).

Children, on Christmas Eve 

For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental
Air Defence Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa.
Track him on his way round the World on the
evening of the 24th December by visiting

Don't Forget
 Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza
on Saturday the 9th December 2016
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on
Ferrett Green. The lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee while outside the Twinning Assoc will supply mulled wine and Mince Pies, plus many other local stalls and rides. 

The Priest's House Museum are hosting this event at the VHHC where people are invited to come along and find out/share stories of ancestors who took part in WW1.They will bring laptops and personnel to try and answer your questions.

Verwood & Three Legged Cross Twinning Association 
A group from Verwood visited our friends in "Liederbach am Taunus"  from Friday the 15th June until  the 19th June 2017 -  To celebrate the anniversary of 25 years of Twinning / Partnershaften between the two towns.

Select here for a full report of the visit.
 The picture shows the Verwood stall at Liederbach International Strackenfest.

The new Mayor of Verwood
Cllr. Lindsay Dedden

On Monday the 22nd May 2017
the Statutory Annual Meeting of
Verwood Town Council
met in Verwood Memorial Hall to elect the next Mayor of Verwood.
 Cllr. Lindsey Dedden
Also elected were her escort, Deputy Mayor and
standing Committees for the year 2017/2018.

The retiring Mayor Cllr Susan Shaw gave her retiring speech and presented cheques for £3100 split betwen her two charities
- Age Concern Verwood. (£1550)    
- Macmillan Caring Locally (£1550)

  • Two firework displays.

  • Chips Noodles, Sausages & mash available, food & soft drinks.

  • Hog Roast

  • Tea, coffee, soup & soft drinks.

  • Family Fairground

  • Street entertainers.

  • Toilets

  • Free car park.

  • Steam engines.

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 29th October 2017
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 An Alcohol Free Event ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Main Stage with Jessie Jay.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m.
Tikets £4 (under 4's free)

To All Members of the
Please attend the AGM and concert on Wednesday
 the 25th of October 2017 at 19:00 in The HUB

to vote on the future of the Society. (Select Here)

The Mayor of Verwood invites you
to to the Memorial Hall for evening with Archaeologist, TV & Radio presenter.

Julian Richards
On Friday the 22nd of September 2017. (19:30)

All proceeds to the Mayors Charity 'DORSET MIND'.
Tickets £12 from Council Offices & Heritage Centre
inc. Ploughmans Supper but please bring
your own drink and glasses.

Don't forget
 Dorset Architectural Heritage Week
Wed. 7th to Thurs. 14th Sep.

Don't forget

Verwood Rotary's
Rustic Fayre 2017.

Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.


(in support of
Brass Fest UK)

"Picnic in the Park."

Why not come and listen to Verwood Concert Brass from
3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday the 9th July
- Verwood Recreation Ground

All you need to do is turn up with your deckchairs and refreshments.
Being an outdoor event it is subject to good weather and may be cancelled at short notice so please check
before setting out.

Film tickets are £5 from the Verwood Hub on 01202 828740. .

Hilary Jackson is cycling the 240 miles route of the Somme for the centenary commemoration of the Battle of Passchendaele with a team of 100 cyclists in August to raise money for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity. The team with a historian and will visit  significant battle sites of the Great War, to remember the fallen.

Hilary is hosting a film evening on Friday 7th July at Verwood Hub. The Australian film Beneath Hill 60, is the story of the miners who tunnelled under the trenches. It won Best Film in 2010 and commences at 6:45 p.m.

Hustings for the North Dorset Constituency

An Opportunity to hear from
Candidates for the North Dorset Constituency
Verwood Methodist Church Vicarage Road BH31 6DR
Friday the 26th May at 07:30 p.m.
Questions must be submitted in advance to Nigel Deller on
01202 822212 or

29th May 2017

Verwood Carnival 2017

Monday 29th May 2017 at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Gates 12:00 a.m. until early evening. Arena events from 1.00 p.m..

Events include:  

"Poole Field Gun Display Team
"Meridian Marching Band."
"Stunt Riders Live Tour"

The procession will leave the Carnival Field at 12:00 and proceed past the recreation ground, along Vicarage Road and back to the the Carnival field via Dewlands Way / Road.

Check the website -

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for "Treasure Island" now available from
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740


 Adults £10 - Children £7 (under 18s)
 Senior Citizens £8 - Wednesday only
 Family tickets* £27.50 - Saturday 23rd, eve. only
           *Family of 4 to include at least 2 children

Show times


21st Jan 2017 
25th Jan 2017
26th Jan 2017
27th Jan 2017
38th Jan 2017

 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm



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