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 Pre 2016 News
 "20+ years of community support in Verwood."

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  Old News Items for 2016  

NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE

 Churches Together this Christmas
in Verwood and Three Legged Cross invite you to share their 
Christmas Celebrations.

Select here for all December 2016 Services. 

Picture designed by Holly Richardson (when 8).

Don't Forget
 Verwood's Christmas Extravaganza
on Saturday the 10th December 2016
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on
Ferrett Green. The lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply Hot Coffee while outside the Twinning Assoc will supply mulled wine and Mince Pies, plus many other local stalls and rides. 

VCB Supports 'Katie's New Wheels

Katie in her brand new all-terrain wheel chair
surrounded by members of the winning Verwood Youth Band.

"Select "i" for more information"

Great Day for "Verwood Concert Brass" Bass Section.

Verwood Concert Brass had a great day on Saturday 26th November 2016 being crowned Champions of the Wessex Brass Band Association Winter Contest. A great achievement alongside the special awards of the South Wilts Cup given to conductor Kevin Smith for best musical interpretation of the score and the Kevin Bolton Plaque to Elaine Close, principal cornet, for best instrumentalist.


Fri. 11th Nov. 2016.

At 11 a.m. The Mayor of Verwood,  members of the General Public, children of Trinity
& RBL representatives remember the fallen with a 2 minute silence & the laying of wreaths.

Verwood Rotary club has just handed out over £11,000
to local charities and deserving causes.

The bumper pay out on the 22nd November 2016 in Verwood Memorial Hall, followed a very successful Rustic Fayre which took place in August 2016.  Rotary president Ian Hudson and Vern ‘Rusty’ Harris hosted the event at Verwood Memorial Hall. Both thanked all those who were involved in and contributed to this year’s event. 

Recipients included :

 - Riding for the Disabled,
 - East Dorset Citizens Advice Bureaux,
 - Macmillan Cancer Support,
 - Linwood School,
 - Verwood Cubs and Guides,
 - Verwood Day Centre,
 - St Michael Community lunch,
 - Stroke Club,
 - Diverse Abilities                  - and many more.

On Sunday the 13th November 2016 - Royal British Legion Remembrance.
At 09:45 a Service will be held in St Michaels Church Verwood.
At 10:45 the company will March from St Michaels Church  to Ferrett Green.
At 11:00 after a 2 minute silence wreaths will be laid at the War Memorial.

Verwood Mayors Christmas Reception 2016

On Sunday the 4th December 2016, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Susan Shaw and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area at the Verwood Heritage Centre where they were entertained by Hillside Junior choir (see picture) and were also given a talk on Verwood by Mike Shaw. Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by the "Verwood Choral Society", an ensemble of "Verwood Concert Brass"  and a local dancer. The Chain Gang then enjoyed a delicious meal served up by Beales Gourmet.

Photos - Stuart Clifton

  • Two firework displays.

  • Chips Noodles, Sausages & mash available, food & soft drinks.

  • Hog Roast

  • Tea, coffee, soup & soft drinks.

  • Family Fairground

  • Street entertainers.

  • Forest FM live stage.

  • Free car park.

  • Steam engines.

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 29th October 2015
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Main Stage with Jessie Jay.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m.
Tikets £4 (under 3's free)

Due to the final closure of the Verwood men's and women's Royal British Legion Branches, both standards were laid up and given into the care of Verwood Town Hall where they rest alongside Verwood's Book of Remembrance .

The Standard Bearers, Mr Roy Slade and Miss Linda Rose handed the standards 
into the care of Verwood's  Mayor Cllr Susan Shaw & Town Clerk Mrs Val Bright.

Photo - Stuart Clifton

will be held at the VERWOOD HUB. 
on SUNDAY 9th OCTOBER from 9am-6pm

During the PIANOTHON, PUDSEY accompanied by PAM BACON, Regional Officer for Children in Need will arrive from Broadcasting House, Southampton and possibly SIMON MARS from BBC TV SOUTH.

In addition, interspersed with the PIANOTHON will be: pianists/comedian, vocalists, a fancy dress competetion for children of all ages to find the best dressed PRINCE AND PRINCESS, children will receive whistles an blowers, party hats, followed by a children's entertainer.

30th May 2016

Verwood Carnival 2016

Monday 30th May 2016 at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Gates 11:00 a.m. until early evening. Arena events from 1.00 p.m..

Events include:  

"Poole Field Gun Display Team
"Solent Dog Display"
"Mere Down Falconry Display"
"Meridian Marching Band"
Tug of War etc.

The procession will leave the Carnival Field at 12:00 and proceed past the recreation ground, along Vicarage Road and back to the the Carnival field via Church Hill.

Check the website -

Our friends from Champtoceaux et Orée-d'Anjou visited Verwood from Thursday the 7th of May to Sunday the 8th May 2016. The photograph shows our French Guests with their hosts just prior to departure from the HUB car park on the Sunday. 

Sun. the 28th Feb. 2016.

Cllr. Mrs Sandra Grove, the Mayor of Verwood with Invited Guests for the Civic Service held in St. Michel and All Angels

Verwood Concert Brass Youth Players 
win Wessex Contest.

Verwood Youth Players under the baton of Mike Dunnings did themselves proud at the Wessex Brass Band Association Youth and Training Band Contest held on Saturday 30th January, at Trafalgar School in Downton. Verwood Concert Brass entered the Youth Band section and the Youth Ensemble section,  for players under the age of 19, and they came away with some fantastic awards which were presented by contest adjudicator, Captain Sam Hairsine of the Royal Marines Band Service.

The latest 2015
verwood & Three Legged Cross 
Official Guide is Now available.

You can pick up 
your Personal copy
the Town Hall,  the Heritage Centre, the Library & 
Estate Agents

Verwood Mayors Christmas Reception 2015

On Sunday the 6th December 2015, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Sandra Grove and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area whp were met at the Verwood  Heritage Centre by the Hillside Choir and given a talk on Verwood. Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained on arrival by the "Verwood Choral Society"and later on in the hall by local singer Courtney Manston. After a delicious meal served up by Beales Gourmet a contingent of the "Verwood Concert Brass"  rounded off the Reception. Table Decorations were by Jane Young and Table Flowers were by Chris Gibbons

Photo - Stuart Clifton

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for "Beauty & the Beast" are now on sale from the
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740

Tickets Adults £9 - Children £7 (under 18s)
 Senior Citizens £7 - Wednesday only
 Family tickets* £25 - Saturday 23rd, evening only
           *Family of 4 to include at least 2 children

Show times


23rd Jan 2016 
27th Jan 2016
28th Jan 2016
29th Jan 2016
30th Jan 2016

 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm


  Old News Items for 2015  


Children, on Christmas Eve 

For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental
Air Defence Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa.
Track him on his way round the World on the
evening of the 24th December by visiting
Do you know someone who will be 
on their own or in need on Christmas Day!!!

Community Christmas is dedicated to providing a traditional Christmas Day Lunch for members of the community who may be on their own or in need. This event takes place on Christmas Day at Crane Valley golf club from 11:30 a.m. to 03:30 p.m. and is FREE for all guests. Transport is available but BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL as space is limited.
Please contact Cllr Simon Gibson on 01202 820822 or email 

Please select 
here for a full report  of the Verwood and 3LX Twinning Association's  recent 
visit to Champtoceaux,
 from the 27th August to the 1st September 2014


Verwood Concert Brass victorious 

On Saturday 28th November the Wessex Brass Band Association held its 59th Annual Winter Contest at the Life Centre in Winton, Bournemouth. 18 bands competed, some travelling from as far away as Medway in Kent and the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire. Follow link for more information.

 Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza
Saturday the 12th December 2015
from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree.  The Twinning Assoc will supply mulled and the Heritage Centre hot coffee & Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for children. 

  • Two firework displays.

  • Chips Noodles, Sausages & mash available, food & soft drinks.

  • Hog Roast

  • Tea, coffee, soup & soft drinks.

  • Family Fairground

  • Street entertainers.

  • Forest FM live stage.

  • Free car park.

  • Steam engines.

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 31st October 2015
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.45   Main Stage with Jessie Jay.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m.
Tikets £4 (under 3's free)

Desert Rat stencil producer dies

We sadly report the death of Mike Wareham from Verwood on Sumday the 30th August 2015. Mike lived in Verwood untill June 2015 when he moved to the Waterloo rest home in Three Legged Cross.

In 1941 Mike was in North Africa as an Ordnance Corps electricion attached to the 5th Royal Tank Regiment. On the 16th Februeary 1940 the Mobile Division became the 7th Armoured Division. Following a visit to Cairo Zoo the wife of Gen. Creagh produced a design of Desert Rat which was approved and drawn up by Trooper Ken Hill. This occured while Mike was collecting new American Mark 3 tanks from Cairo, and according to Mike he was requested to produce the Stencil for the logo. The distinctive badge was soon adorning all the tanks which fought desperate battles against Rommell. (His son Adrian says that the Stencil seems to have gone missing since his death - It's hoped it will turn up again.)

Mike was a guitarist in the regimental dance band and spent several months entertaining the allied troops before returning home and setting up his own group (Mike Wareham's Allstars.) who played in Ringwood's Lecture Hall or Crown Hotel.

After the war Mike worked for the Ringwood Electricity Supply Company which later became part of the SEB. He married just after the war but his wife Mary died many years ago. The Carnival and Flameburst take place on family land at the 'Fuzzy Bit'. His Grandson who is a flying instructor often buzes Verwood in his light Aircraft. May we send condolences to all his family. The Service of Thanksgiving was held at Verwood Methodist Church on the 22nd of September 2015

The picture shows Mike at the Memorial Hall celbrations in 2009.

Verwood Rotary Club present
Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.

I Felt Compelled to put pen to paper after Saturday the 8th of November 2014.... hope you like it.         "Liz Golding"

Poppies of Red

I needed to go to the tower of London to see the “poppies of red”,
Each one represented the soul of a fighter, long since dead.
A soldier who died in defence of our country, a Soldier who “died for me”.
Heroes who died that we might live in our beautiful country, proud and free.

Each poppy, blood red, stood strong and tall, as into the distance they swept.
So many red poppies, so many young lives. I stood before them and wept.
I came here to tell them they died not in vain. That their memory is honoured each year.
We will never forget their sacrificed lives, or their comrades and families who lived in fear.

Poppies of Red, we will not forget. We will remember you, always with pride.
We honour and respect those defending us still, with love in our hearts and memories beside..


This Storytelling Event returnes to East Dorset for the 12th Festival of tall tales, sizzling stories, audience participation, mystery, fun, suspense with the occasional Sting in the Tale. Stories in some of East Dorset and Christchurch's most resplendent,  and unique

Below is an abbreviated list of events 
for full information of events, contact details and and booking information 

The Afternoon Tea held by the Mayor of Verwood on Sunday the 12th July2015, raised the sum of £490. for her Charities

The Verwood Mayors charities for 2014/2015 are:-
The Verwood "Heathland Heritage Trust" and "Dorset Search Dogs" which is a charity assisting the Police, Coastguard and other Search and Rescue teams look for missing persons across the South.

25th May 2015

Verwood Carnival 2015

Monday 25th May 2015 at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Opens 12:00 until early evening. Arena events from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

Events include:  

"The Tigers Motorcycle Display Team"
"Meredown Falconry Display"
"Dingle Fingle Comedy Clown Act"

The procession will leave the Carnival Field at 13:00 and proceed past the recreation ground, along Vicarage Road and back to the the Carnival field via Church Hill.

Check the website -

Verwood Youth Band success at the Wessex Youth and Training Band Festival on the 31st January 2015.

The Verwood Youth Band took part in the Wessex Brass Band Association Youth and Training Band Festival on Saturday 31st January and came away with the Youth Section 1st prize and Royal Marines Cup. Plus the band’s principal cornet player, Emma Graves, was awarded the Woodfalls Trophy for the best soloist of the day from any section. (Select for full report)

The Verwood Youth Band rehearsing.

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for "Aladdin" now on sale from the
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740

Tickets Adults £9 - Children £7 (under 18s)
 Senior Citizens £7 - Wednesday only
 Family tickets* £25 - Saturday 24th, evening only
           *Family of 4 to include at least 2 children

Show times


24th Jan 2014 
28th Jan 2014
29th Jan 2014
30th Jan 2014
31st Jan 2014

- 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm

Neighbourhood Watch needs your help.
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Verwood, Three Legged Cross & Woodlands Neighbourhood Watch will take place on Thu., 15th January 2015 at 7pm in the Verwood Memorial Hall.  
At this meeting ideas for the future of the organisation will be discussed to take it forward, secure its future and continue the ethos of a caring community.



  Old News Itemsfor 2014  



Churches Together this Christmas
in Verwood and Three Legged Cross 

invite you to share their Christmas Celebrations.

Select here for all December 2014 Services. 

Mayors Christmas Reception 2014

On Sunday the 30th November 2014, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr. Pat Morrow and the Town Council welcomed civic dignitaries from the local area including the High Sherriff of Dorset - Jane Stichbury CBE QPM DL and the Chairman of East Dorset County Council at the  Heritage Centre. Later at the Verwood Hub they were entertained by the training band of "Verwood Concert Brass"  and  the "Verwood Choral Society". Before enjoying their meal however, all the mayors entertained the audience by singing the "12 days of Christmas", complete with actions. 

Photo - Stuart Clifton


On Monday the 
4th of Aug. 2014 
Verwood Town Commemorated
 the start of WW1 and re-dedicated the "Verwood Memorial Recreation Ground".

select the link for more details.

the Verwood and Three Legged Town Plan

is now available from the Town Hall

Solstice Renewables 
has gained planning consent for a 
20.4MW solar park 
near Verwood 

In July 2014  Solstice Renewables announced that it has gained planning consent for a 20.4MW solar park near Verwood in Dorset which will generate enough renewable electricity to power the equivalent of 6,000 average homes – almost all the homes in Verwood. It will protect the green belt land for 25 years.

The site will cover a total area of 113 acres/45.7 ha, over four separate flat fields which is very well screened by existing hedging. The panels will cover 85 acres and the rest of the land is set aside for ecological habitat enhancement and will continue in agricultural usage, with sheep grazing between the panels during winter, while in summer the land will become a haven for wildlife.

The latest 
verwood & Three Legged Cross 
Official Guide is available.

You can pick up 
your Personal copy
 from the Town Hall in Vicarage Road.

  Verwood Historical Society are pleased to announce    
the publication of a new book

Written and compiled by
Jill Coulthard.

Priced at £10  (Now £5) it can be obtained from

  • Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre

At the reduced price it is fantastic value

Please visit the the Historical Society Website
 for information about Postal Copies

  • Family fairground.

  • Two firework displays.

  • Free ice cream -1st 500 U12

  • Hog roast, food & soft drinks

  • Street entertainers.

  • Forest FM live stage.

  • Free car park.

  • Free face painting.

  • Steam engines.

  • Alcohol free event..

On Saturday the 25th October 2014
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.

Annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair.
 ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.

  • 17.45   Aerobatic Display

  • 18.00   Gates & Fairground open.

  • 18.00   Captain Jack Sparrow arrives.

  • 18.15   Street Entertainer Stage opens.

  • 19.00   Junior Firework Display.

  • 19.15   Main Stage Madness with One Step Behind.

  • 20.45   Main Firework Display.

  • 21.00   Bonfire.

  • 22.00   Close.

For Further information & tickets visit the website at
The Fireworks display for Juniors is at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m..

Boules in Verwood 


Apologies to those who recently wished to play Boules on the Recreation Ground. Though the Boules practices started in May 2014, and there have been some games, there is no Boules League this year due to reduced interest, though some members of Twinning have cleaned the pitch of weeds and occasionally used it.

If anybody, whether in Twinning or not, wishes to play, then please feel free to use the facility - It was provided by the Town Council to be used. If there is a desire by enough people to have friendly games then please contact Verwood Twinning Association with their  details.  Some twinners should be able to play from September 2014, and if there is enough interest next year then Verwood could possibly rejoin the league. Boules can be borrowed if required.


 Clive Grove (Chairman) on     01202 826449 or

On Saturday Sept. the 13th to Tuesday the 16th from 11:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
The Church of Ascension, Woodlands.
is holding its Annual Flower Festival with a theme of "THE CREATION."
As Well as the flower arrangements in the church.
This is part of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week.
On Saturday and Sunday only -  morning coffee, Ploughman's Lunches and Afternoon Teas, 
will be served in the Village hall with stalls selling books and Bric-a-Brac. 
There will also be a raffle and a Tombola Game.

Verwood Civic Service

Verwood's Mayor hosted a "Civic Service" for local mayors and Dorset Dignatories, held at "St Michael and All Angels" on the 
27th April 2014.

photo:- Stuart Clifton


Dorset Dignataries joined Verwood's Mayor Cllr. Peter Richardson and residents for a civic service held in St. Michaels and All Angels church followed by refreshments.
Seated from L to R :- The Mayor of Bournemouth - Dr Rodney Cooper, EDDC Chairman -Cllr Malcolm Birr, Mrs Richarson, Cllr Peter Richardson - Mayor of Verwood, 
High Sherriff of Dorset - Catriona J Payne and consort of the High Sheriff.


photo: Stuart Clifton

Pam Reeks awarded the BEM 

On Friday the 25th April 2014 the Pam was presented
with her BEM, by the Lord Lieutenant in Dorchester.

Verwood’s Pam Reeks has been awarded the  British Empire Medal for services to the community in the 2014 Honours List. Pam has said that she found it very difficult not to say anything since she fist knew about it last November. 

Pam worked at Hillside First School as a class teacher and specialised in Music. This is not suprising as she has been heavily involved with Verwood Concert Brass for many years where she plays 2nd Horn in the B Band. She also had particular involvement with the Training Band 

Pam was also a founder member of the "Heathland Heritage Centre" and is now a Trustee / Archivist and gives talks about the pottery to visiting groups. Pam arranges many of the exhibitions held in the VHHC and is also the archivist of the "Verwood Historical Society" where she has written or been involved with a number of publications about the history of Verwood. Her thesis about Verwood Crafts can be found at on the History Site.

It was back in 1982 that a young teacher and her engineer husband, were asked if they would bring their vintage vehicles to a Rustic Fayre being held in Reg. Day's field down at Ebblake. So Ron and Pam Reeks turned up with a car, motorbike and lawnmower. This event was such a huge success that it was decided to continue with the Fayre  with Ron and Pam organising a display of Stationary Engines and vintage Vehicles until they retired from it in August 2006.

77-year-old Pam Reeks was also honoured with the title "Freeman of Verwood" in December 2012 and has been is involved with many elements of town life including the Train Girls and Twinning Association, etc, etc.. 

“I still can’t really believe it,” said Pam, “I’m amazed and feel very honoured indeed".

Verwood Carnival 2014

Saturday 28th June at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Opens 12:00 until early evening. Arena events from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Events include "The Adrenaline Tour", "The Mighty Smith Show"  Tug of War & " Meredown Falconry Display.

The procession leaves the Carnival Field at 12:45pm  and proceeds past the recreation ground, along Vicarage Road, returning to the the Carnival Field

Check the website -

Verwood's Carnival Queen Selection for 2014
will take place on
Sunday the 16th March 2014
in Verwood Guide HQ on Manor Rd. 
at 02:00 p.m.

The Carnival Queen is set to return this year and any candidate for the queen (aged 14 or above) or princesses (aged 9 to 13), should  go along.

Please contact 01202 826908 for more information. 

Don't Forget
Verwood's 9th Talented Youth Concert

Verwood HUB - Saturday the 1st March 2014. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - for tickets Contact the HUB on 01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 

Verwood Pantomime Society
Tickets for
"PINOCCHIO" now on sale from the
Verwood HUB, Brock Way, Box Office
Tel:- 01202 828740


 Adults £9 - Children £7 (under 18s)
 Senior Citizens £7 - Wednesday only
 Family tickets* £25 - Saturday 18th, evening only
           *Family of 4 to include at least 2 children

Show times


18th Jan 2014 
 22nd Jan 2014
 23th Jan 2014
 24th Jan 2014
 25th Jan 2014

- 2.00pm & 6.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 7.30pm
 - 2.00pm & 6.30pm

Original Friday Market
Normally held Every Friday from
  Open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Verwood HUB - FREE entry.  

for enquiries tel Sylvia Gray :- 01725 517427  email:- 






  Old News Itemsfor 2013  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only and are now OUT OF DATE.



Mayors Christmas 
Reception 2013

On Sunday the 1st December 2013, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr Peter Richardson and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local area with a visit to the  Heritage Centre. Later they were entertained by a group of musicians from the "Verwood Concert Brass" before enjoying a reception and meal in the Verwood HUB.

Photo - Stuart Clifton

The Jenny Porter Singers

Since founding the singers 22 years ago, their conductor Jenny Porter has retired so that she can go travelling with her husband. The last concert under her baton was the  'Christmas Reflections' concert at the end of November 2013. Their new conductor, Peter Coole will take over in January


Churches Together 
this Christmas
in Verwood and 
Three Legged Cross. invite you to share their Christmas Celebrations.

Select here for all December 2013 Services.

Cover designed by Alec Ennis age 9 of Emmanuel C of E Middle School.   

Comfort & Joy in Verwood at Christmas
If you are "
on your own or in need on Christmas Day" then why not come along to Verwood's "Community Christmas" which is dedicated to providing a FREE 
traditional Christmas Day lunch from 11:30 to 3:30 p.m..
If you or somebody you know would benefit then  please contact
Guest Co-ordinator Pat Morrow on 01202 824733 or
for general enquiries Simon Gibson on 01202 820822 
(Transport is Available)

In June 2013
Fundraisers celebrated their £100,000

Select for full story.

Verwood and Three Legged Cross Twinning Association 
A small group from Verwood visited our friends in 
"Liederbach am Taunus"  from Friday the 14th June 2013 until Tuesday the 18th June.

Old friendships had been renewed and new ones made
 and a very enjoyable time was had by all. 

Select here to read the full report

Multi-use games area in Verwood Recreation Ground is OPEN  
The Official Opening of the MUGA took place on
Saturday, 4th May 2013 at 11am when the Mayor, Cllr Simon Gibson accepted the MUGA on behalf of the Town Council.

Active Games For All (AGFA) who planned and fundraised for the MUGA (mooga), finally chose equipment they saw at Waterlooville in Hampshire. Their chosen product has rounded supports, rubber cushions at the fixings to reduce resonance and easy exit at the goal ends for retrieving balls. There is an extra goal hoop on the outside which allows for additional shooting practice without interfering with other activities.

When work started, the Recreation Ground was in a sorry state due to flooding and this entailed extra foundation work, taking the cost to nearly £103,000.  Verwood Town Council have funded £50,000 and AGFA have raised the remainder by grant support from The Veolia Environmental Trust, Synergy Housing Trust, EDDC, their own fundraising and funds donated by many community groups and individuals.

Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza
 On Saturday the 14th of December 2013
from 05:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
The "Steamers" will arrive with Father Christmas who will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & the Choral Society will sing carols around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply mulled wine or hot coffee & Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for children. 

On Saturday the 26th October 2013
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.
from 06:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..
Superb annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair. ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.
For Further information & tickets visit the website at
There will be a Fireworks display for Juniors at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m..

Wednesday 11th to Thursday 19th September 2013

Dorset Architectural Heritage Week is an annual event which aims to stimulate public awareness of Dorset's rich architectural and cultural heritage by allowing free access to many properties that are normally closed to the public or charge for entry. The first half of the week is part of the national Heritage Open Days but Dorset contains such a wealth of fascinating architecture that the events continue in the County for a further four days!

All remaining Dorset tickets are now available from the Booking Office on a first come-first served basis. Please note that many of the more popular events are now sold out.
visit or 

Verwood Rotary Club present
Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.


16th August to the 26th of August.

This Storytelling Event returnes to East Dorset for the 10th Festival of tall tales, sizzling stories, audience participation, mystery, fun, suspense with the occasional Sting in the Tale. Stories in some of East Dorset and Christchurch's most resplendent, atmospheric settings and unique locations.

Below is an abbreviated list of events
visit for full information, events and booking information 
or contact


"Agent Green the Dragon Whisperer".
"The Flickering Tongue" at The Earthouse.
"Petticoat Tales" at Red House Museum.
"The Isle of Bard" at Highcliffe Castle.
"Look the other way:Smugglers of the Solent" at Rockbourne 
"Tales from the Deep Dark Woods" in Holt Forest.
"The Magic Story Bird" at Upton Country Park.
"Jack and the Golden Apples" at East Dorset Heritage Trust.
"Tea, Tobacco, Brandy and Lace" -  at East Dorset Heritage Trust.
"Granny Cousins Ghost Walk of Old Poole Town."
"The Magic Paintbrush" - West Parley Council.
"The Little House of Shudders"  in Wimborne & Ferndown Libraries.
"The Girl and the Shoes" at Verwood HUB.
"Briar Rose and the Spinner's Daughter at Poole Museum.
"Rhiannon" at Allendale Community Centre.
"The Girl and the Shoes" in Sixpenny Handley.
"Granny Cousins Ghost Walk of Old Poole Town."
"The Gingerbread Man" at Lemur Landings.
"Lost" at Wimborne Model Town.
"Granny Cousin's Tales of Wimborne" in Wimborne Minster.
"Young Noa and the King & other stories" at Sturts Farm.
"Journey with a Crinolined Lady" in Bournemouth Lower Gardens.
"Night at the Museum; Sinbad the Sailor" iPriest House Museum.
"Tales of Feasting and the Forest" at Greyfriars Ringwood.
"The Musicians of Bremen" at Colehill Parish Council.
"Debutots Fam. Story Play & Early Yrs. Dramatic Party" Barrington.
"Pirate Paye of Poole" at the Redhouse Museum.
"Comedy of Errors" at Walford Mill Centre.
"A Firebird, A Wolf, and a deep dark wood" at The ATC
"Old Knowlton; A Walk and Talk" - Priest House Museum.
" Tales from the Deep Dark Woods at Moors Valley.
"The Quests of Gilgamesh" at Down Farm.
"Shakespeare's " Twelfth Night" Edmondsham House.
"Italy Day" featuring Pinocchio at Walford Mill.
"Granny Cousins Chost Walk of Old Poole Town.

Daily - ex, Sun From 24th May 2013 to 24th June 2013 09:30 a.m. to noon.
NEW  FREE Exhibition in the Main Hall of the
Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre
"60 Years on the Throne".
The  early life and Coronation of Elizabeth II.

Verwood Carnival 2013

Saturday 29th June at The Fuzzy Bit off Crane Drive 

Admission £3 per adult - Children £1 (free if accompanied by an adult)
Opens 12:00 until early evening. Arena events from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Events include "The Tigers Junior Motorcycle Display Team" & Falconry Display.

Fancy Dress Walking Procession assembles at Verwood Recreation Ground at 12:45pm and will proceed down Station Road through Verwood Centre and arrive at the Carnival Field

Check the website -

The Verwood & 3LX Twinning Association
Supported by Verwood Bath Travel

A Carribean Evening
in Verwood Memorial Hall

on Saturday the 23rd of March 2013 at 07:30 p.m.

Raffle, Rum Draw & dancing.

- tickets £10 available from  Brian (01202 822299) or  enquire at Bath Travel, Verwood.
Bring own drinks and nibbles. Tea & Coffee will be available.

A Carribean Evening

with "Pantasy Steel Band".




Annual Pantomime

Dont Forget
Verwoods' 8th Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 2nd March 2013. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - for tickets Contact the HUB on 01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 





  Old News Itemsfor 2012  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only   and are now OUT OF DATE.


Club Re-Opens as "The Hideaway"
The "Old British Legion" and "Club 31" premises 
at 17 Moorlands Road, Verwood, BH31 7PD has now re-opened
November 2012 as The Hideaway -  Restaurant and Bar.
The Verwood Traditional Jazz Club's new home 
Verwood Freemen 2012

At the Mayors Christmas reception on the 2nd of December three local people were honoured with the title Freemen of Verwood.

  • Colin Bateman

  • Pam Reeks and

  • Angela Daymond

The picture shows the Mayor,
 Cllr. Simon Gibson, with Mrs Pam Reeks and Mr Colin Bateman. 
Mrs Angela Daymond was unfortunately unable to attend the reception

Photo - Val Bright

Verwood and Three Legged Cross Twinning Association 

welcomed our friends from Liederbach (near Frankfurt) during the Rustic Fayre weekend at the end of August 2012.

The picture shows Cllr Simon Gibson, Mayor of Verwood and Frau Eva Söllner, Burgermeisterin of Liederbach, unveil the new road name “Taunus Way”.

Mayors Christmas 
Reception 2012

On Sunday the 2nd December 2012, the Mayor of Verwood Cllr Simon Gibson and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local areas with a visit to the  Heritage Centre where they enjoyed a talk given by Pam Reeks on "Verwood Concert Brass". Later they were entertained by a group of musicians from the Concert Brass" before enjoying a reception and meal in the HUB.

Photo - Stuart Clifton

On Saturday the 27th October 2012
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.
from 06:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..
Superb annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair. ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.
For Further information & tickets visit the website at
There will be a Fireworks display for Juniors at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main fireworks display occuring at 08:45 p.m..



The new Verwood sign to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubillee was unveiled by the Mayor of Verwood, Cllr. Simon Gibson in the presence of Cllr. Mrs Lucy Clark the Chair of East Dorset Council.

It was dedicated by the Rev. Rev.Andrew Sinclair


Thanks to the Town Council and the organising committee for a very succesful day which was held  on the 4th June 2012  in Verwood Town Centre, at Ferrett Green and on the Recreation Ground.

The Diamond Jubilee Celebrations started at 10:45 p.m. with a parade from the Council Office to Ferrett Green, lead by Verwood Concert Brass. On Ferrett Green a welcome was given by the Chair of East Dorset Council, Cllr. Mrs Lucy Clark. with a short speech by the Mayor of Verwood, Cllr. Simon Gibson prior to unveiling of the new Jubilee Town Sign which was dedicated by the Rev. Andrew Sinclair. 

After blessing the sign he disposed of the remaining water by throwing it over his shoulder were it landed on some unsuspecting guests. This was the only rain of the day.

Verwood concert brass then played a selection of patriotic music in front of the Heritage Centre later playing in the recreation ground. Additional entertaiment was provided by Eschers Staircase playing jazz (all members are 16 or under), the Verwood Choral Society, "Senior Springtime" and some American line dancing. there was also a Zumba demonstration.

Food was provided by Billy Andrews (the local butcher) who did a roaring trade with Burgers, Hot Dogs and a Hog Roast, waiting time to be fed was between 30 and 45 minutes. The Twinning Associated was selling wine and beer, cider, bucks fizz and Pimms was also on sale, with the Heritage Centre staying open all day selling cakes, tea and coffee.

In the Memorial Hall there was a small Verwood Market, Tumble Tots for the children and a floral display by the Verwood Flower Club celebrating the Jubilee.

Numerous societies had stalls in the Recreation Ground with steam engine rides for smaller children and an Inflated Slide with the French firm Manitou providing rides and games on some of their machines." Forest FM" were also there broadcasting to the local area live from 11 a.m.

All donation given were for the Mayor's Charities - "Julia's House" and "Woofability".

It was an extremely successful day, enjoyed by all and thanks must go to Verwood Town Council including Val Bright and her team.

Diamond Jubilee Celebration Programme
The Potters Wheel - The HUB - The " Fuzzy Bit" and the Doctors Car Park.

10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.

11:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
01:15 p.m.
02:00 p.m.
02:00 p.m.
02:45 p.m.
02:45 p.m.
03:30 p.m.
03:30 p.m.
04:00 p.m.

Parade lead by Verwood Concert Brass from Council Offices to Ferrett Green.
Mational Anthem
Welcome by Cllr. Mrs Lucy Clark - chair or of east Dorset Council.
Unveiling of Jubilee Town Sign by Cllr. Simon Gibson, Mayor of Verwood.
Dedication by Rev Andrew Sinclair
Verwood Concert Brass with a selection of Patriotic Music.
Fun Dog Show - Recreation Ground display Area.
Verwood Choral Society on
Ferrett Green.
Eschers Staircase on
Ferrett Green.
American Line Dancing - Recreation Ground display Area.
Senior Springtime on
Ferrett Green.
Verwood Concert Brass - Recreation Ground display Area.
Eschers Staircase on
Ferrett Green.
Verwood Choral Society - Recreation Ground display Area.
Zumba Demonstration on
Ferrett Green.
Senior Springtime - Recreation Ground display Area.
Skittles Match (Scouts 'V' Older Generation - Recreation Ground display Area.

Additional Entertainment
Recreation Ground

  • Manitou - Come along and try the big machines. Get lifted to the sky or play 'basketball ball' with the machines.

  • FUN DOG SHOW - at 11:30 am in the Dog Show Ring
     - Bring your pet dog and have some fun. Classes to suit all. Rosettes will be awarded to the first 5 in each class and Best in Show . (Sponsored by Three Cross Agility Group)


  • TRAIN RIDE - for smaller children.



Memorial Hall

  • Verwood Market.

  • Tumble Tots

  • Floral Display by Verwood Flower Club.

  • Red Cross

Food & Drink is available from a wide variety of stalls around Ferrett Green and Recreation Grounds.

will broadcast live all day from the Recreation Ground from 11 a.m.

Dont Forget
Verwoods' 7th Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 11th February 2012. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - for tickets Contact the HUB on 01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 

Tickets now on sale at the HUB for
Verwood Pantomime Society's
presentation of.

The Wizard of OZ.
by David Swan
from the 21st to the 28th January 2012
see the "What's On" page



  Old News Items for 2011  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only   and are now OUT OF DATE.

Mayors Christmas 
Reception 2011

On Sunday the 4th December 2011, Verwoods Mayor Cllr Toni Coombs and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local areas with a visit to the  Heritage Centre where they enjoyed a talk given by Sue Gardiner on the "Origins of Pantomime". Later they were entertained by the Dorset Junior Jazz Band before enjoying a reception and meal in the HUB.
Verwood and Three Legged Cross Twinning Association 

returned from France on the 6th of June 2011 after their visit 
to Champtoceaux.

 Please select here for a full report with pictures 


The 5 items of Fitness Equipment will be installed in the Verwood Memorial Recreation Ground in March and there will be an official inauguration on
Saturday, 24th March at 11am when sponsors and those who have made donations will be our official guests and everyone else is invited to come along and celebrate this occasion. This equipment is suitable for those aged 13 upwards to age 90+!!    
Contact telephone numbers are : (01202) 826303 and (01202) 822549.

Has now 
ceased trading


PLEASE NOTE that "Club 31" ceased trading on the 28th of December 2011 and NO further events will occur at that venue. 

New venues are as follows.

Verwood Twinning Association meetings

- the Parish Rooms behind 
St. Michael's Church.
meeting start time now 8 p.m.
(hall open from 7.30 p.m.)

Verwood Jazz Club 

The new venue is:-
   Drusilla’s Inn , Wigbeth, Horton, Dorset BH21 7JH.


Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza 
 On Saturday the 10th of December 2011
from 05:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
The "Steamers" will arrive with Father Christmas who will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & the Choral Society will sing carols around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply mulled wine or hot coffee & Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for children. 

Have you filled in the form?

Are you supporting the AGFA campaign for a multi-use games area and fitness equipment in the Verwood Recreation Ground?   A leaflet delivered to homes in Verwood recently suggests that by just filling in the form at the bottom of the leaflet and depositing it at the Leisure Centre, the Hub or the Town Council Office, you will help the group obtain grants towards providing this facility.  If the community shows that it is needed, then providers are sympathetic.

If you can do more to help, either by having your own fundraising event with friends and neighbours such as a coffee morning or cheese and wine evening, or by offering to join a fundraising group, then on the reverse of the form you can indicate how you can help.  The campaign team are hoping that the whole community will pull together to achieve it, by developing it in stages.

If you have mislaid the form, then email your support to :    
Contact telephone numbers are : (01202) 826303 and 822549.

On Saturday the 29th October
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.
from 06:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..
Superb annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair. ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.
top Lady Gaga tribute has been booked for the stage this year.
There will be a Fireworks display for Juniors at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main display occuring at 08:45 p.m..

Entry £3 for Adults 
(under 13's FREE)
On August Bank Holiday Monday (29th of August 2011)
don't forget 

Verwood's 2011 Rustic Fayre
12:00 p.m. - Parade of Verwood Carnival Queen & Princess
12:45 p.m. - Tae Kwon-Do Dosplay
12:45 p.m. - Bernie Bennett - Comedy Tightrope Act
01:15 p.m. - Fun Terrier Racing - Heats
01:45 p.m. - "Eagle Heights" Eagle & Vulture Display
02:15 p.m. - Rossgarth YFC - Beat the Goalie
02:45 p.m. - "Zumba" Dance & Fitness Display.
03:00 p.m. - Nernie Bennett - The Return.
03:30 p.m. - Terrier Dog Races - Finals.
04:00 p.m. - "Eagle Heights" Eagle & Vulture Display
04:30 p.m. - Egg Catching Competition. - All Comers.
04:45 p.m. - Duck Derby on the Crane River.
05:00 p.m. - Opening of New Skate Park by Verwood's Mayor.

Also Beer, Jazz Band, Brass Band, Cafe Rene, Classic Vehicles, Car Boot sale, Static Engines and other stalls




Procession Leaves Field


Procession returns


Events start - including

  • Above & Beyond Aerial Display

  • Tom and Tilly Turnips Tomfoolery

  • Falconry Display


approx; events close.

Don't Forget

Verwood Carnival 2011
Bank Holiday Monday - May 30th
Check the website -




  Old News Itemsfor 2010  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only   and are now OUT OF DATE.


Mayors Christmas 
Reception 2010

On Sunday the 5th December 2010, Verwoods Mayor Cllr Jean Hazel and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local areas with a visit to the  Heritage Centre where they enjoyed an illustrated talk given by Pam Reeks. Later they were entertained by Verwood Concert Brass and "Jubilate" before enjoying a reception and meal in the Verwood HUB.
On the 13th of August 2010 the new 
Memorial Hall Porch 
was inaugurated by Verwood's mayor Cllr. Jean Hazel

Photo l to r: Peter Hancy, Eric Burton (chairman), Cllr Jean Hazel (Mayor), Ernest Whatmore & Barrie Collins.

Bournemouth & District MS Society  providing support on the move.

MS Bournemouth takes delivery of their new purpose built Accessible Minibus 

The Bournemouth and District Branch of the MS Society proudly took delivery of their new tailor made Peugeot Boxer Accessible Minibus in March 2011, supplied by Dorset based specialist minibus manufacturer Red Kite. The new minibus was financed through donations to the charity and will allow sufferers and carers the opportunity to access many of the daily services we all take for granted.

The Bournemouth & District Branch serves people affected by multiple sclerosis in the Boroughs of Bournemouth and Poole, Christchurch, Barton-on-Sea, Wimbourne and Verwood areas. MS Bournemouth is run by a team of volunteers who have direct experience of multiple sclerosis. The team offers support, information and advice to all those affected by MS, their families and carers of all ages. This includes emotional support; financial support as well as advice on holidays and respite care, as appropriate in the strictest confidence either at the Osborne Centre, West Parley or over the telephone alternatively in their home.

MS Bournemouth, Transport Manager, John Astley said “It is vital in these times of cut backs that we continue to offer support for those in need. Without the generosity of those who contributed to the new minibus our ability to provide home support would be severely undermined.” 

Dont Forget
Verwoods' 6th Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 19th February 2010. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - tickets £5 children £3 -  Contact  01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 
Methodist Church

To celebrate their 82nd anniverary 
members met on 
Tuesday the 9th March. 
They sat down for 
lunch at 12:30 followed by 
a talk at 2:30 p.m. 
and closed with  their birthday tea.

Lionel Jeffries Dies in Poole
BRITISH actor, screenwriter and film director Lionel (Charles) Jeffries, who had life-long links with Dorset, died on the 19th February 2010 at the age of 83. He was born in Forest Hill, London, on June 10, 1926, but lived most of his life in Verwood and Bournemouth (Westbourne). While in Verwood he lived in a house near the Crossroads and attended Wimborne Grammar School. In later life he deeply regretted the loss of the old school buildings in Wimborne and branded their replacement “like something out of Belsen.” He was awarded the Burma Star for his World War II service, before training at RADA. For a time he was also president of the "Verwood Dramatic Society". He made his screen debut in 1950 appearing in over 70 films, as well as television in his later years (including Inspector Morse) and famously directed “The Railway Children” in 1970. William Allison, his great grandfather had a barbers’ shop in Bournemouth Square which displayed the royal standard as he had cut the hair of King Edward VII, the Prince of Wales, during a stay at the Royal Bath Hotel. His grandmother was born in Bournemouth and his mother lived in Charminster. He married Eileen Mary Walsh in 1951 and had a son and two daughters. He died in Poole at the age of 83 after a long illness.

The picture shows Lionel Jeffries with Aubrey Barrow in Verwood Memorial Hall.

Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza 
 On Saturday the 11th of December 2008
from 05:30 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play & carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply mulled wine or hot coffee & Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for children. 

Special event on Friday the 10th December from 5:30 p.m. till late

Special Evening ChristmasShopping Event on
Friday the 10th December from 5:30 p.m. till late 
(the usual morning Bazaar is cancelled).
 A selection of Crafts, Toys , Wares & Homemade Preserves & Fresh Organic Produce available. Verwood’s Mayor, will run her Tombola,  plus Hamper Raffle,
 mincepies & hot beverages.

Sunday Opening of Verwood Heritage Centre
The Heritage Centre  is pleased to announce that it will now open on
  Sunday Afternoons from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 
(including the Coffee Shop)

Options for Verwood and West Moors Housing.
If you were unable to attend the LAG (Local Action Group) meeting held at the HUB on monday the 8th of November 2010 and wish to know more then please be aware that  there will be an extra meeting on
Monday the 29th of November in The Memorial Hall at 7 p.m..

Meetings etc for further information about the Verwood Housing plans.
Options for Verwood and West Moors Housing.
If you were unable to attend the LAG (Local Action Group) meeting held at the HUB last monday the 8th of November 2010 and wish to know more then please be aware that EDCC personel will be available on
 Thursday the 11th of Nov. in Verwood HUB from 2 to 8 p.m. to provide further information.
It is also hoped that there will be an extra meeting on
Monday the 29th of November in The Memorial Hall.

The Verwood Community 

17 Moorlands Road
BH31 7PD

Club31 - Verwood Community Club.

  Now Fully Open  

The Old British Legion club complete with all its fixtures and fittings,has now been bought by a Cambridge developer and ownership transferred. It will be run as a separate company limited by guarantee so that all profits will be ploughed back into the club. Mr Giddings stated that until the details are finally agreed the following are the salient points.

  • Club31 has a 25 year lease.

  • It is a separate company limited by guarantee.

  • As a Community Club it is open to all

  • It will be run purely as a Verwood Community Club. (It is NOT an RBL Club)

  • A Club membership will be required. (RBL membership no longer applies)

  • Membership is open to ALL those of 18 and over.

  • Opening will be every day from 11 a.m. till at least 11 p.m.

  • Ringwood Brewery / Marstons will be the main suppliers.

Please note that most Verwood RBL Memorabilia and the "Book of Rememberance" has transfered to the Town Hall which now has its own flagpole.

On Saturday the 30th October
Don't forget 
on 'The Fuzzy Bit' off Crane Drive in Verwood.
from 06:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..
Superb annual firework display, with bonfire. special events, live music and funfair. ~  Proceeds to Verwood charities.
There will be a Fireworks display for Juniors at 07:00 p.m.
with the Main display occuring at 08:45 p.m..
Verwood Rotary Club present
Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.

Calling all past Saturday morning Brownies……..

This is not only a special year for GirlGuiding as we celebrate our Centenary, but also marks sixteen years since 3rd Verwood Brownies was re-opened in July 1994. If you have been a Saturday morning Brownie during our sixteen years or even earlier, when the pack was first formed in the 1970’s, we would love you to join us at our Birthday get together. We are holding a coffee morning on Saturday 24th July from 10:30 to 12:30 and invite you all to drop in and bring along copies of photographs to put in our “Memory Book”. So please mark the date in you diaries, contact your old friends and join us for a trip down memory lane, all friends and family welcome.

For further information please contact Brown Owl (aka Mary Selby).

07919 911582 or email


Field & Fairground open


Crowning ceremony


Procession Leaves Field


Procession returns


Events start - including

  • Bournemouth Carnival Band

  • The Amazing STUNTWORLD

  • The Mere Down Falconry Display

  • Punch and Judy.


approx; events close.

 Bank Holiday Monday - May 31st
Verwood Carnival 2010
"Fuzzy Bit" Verwood
Route of Procession in 2010

In 2010 Verwood Celebrates 25 years of twinning with Champtoceaux in France. 
Our friends from Champtoceaux are visiting us from Thursday 13th May to Sunday 16th . They plan to bring over 70 people this year, If you are prepared to host, you’ll not only get a reciprocal stay next time we visit Champtoceaux but you’ll qualify for free inclusion in our programme for the visit. This includes a visit to a local National Trust property with lunch included, attractive “freebies” we are having specially produced, and of course you will be our guest at the Saturday soiree, with dinner and entertainment.
If you would like to to be involved -
  then why not join the Verwood Twinning Association.
Contact Terry Bright on +44 (0)1202 822959 
or email:

In 2010 Verwood Celebrates 25 years of twinning with Champtoceaux in France. 
Our friends from Champtoceaux have now arrived and are staying with us until Sunday morning the 16th  of May. The picture below shows all the visitors and guests in the sensory garden of The Hub where they were welcomed by the Mayor of Verwood. They have brought over 70 people this year who are staying with their friends in and around Verwood and Three Legged Cross. 

 Why not join the Verwood Twinning Association.
Contact Terry Bright on +44 (0)1202 822959 
or email:

Verwood Bowling Club celebrate their
**90th Anniversary**  - 1920 to 2010

Verwood Bowling Club invites you to attend their 2010 no obligation, free of charge, bowls taster sessions to be held on Saturday 8th May, Saturday 15th May, Saturday 22nd May and give us the opportunity to show what the Club has to offer to the complete beginner or the experienced bowler on one of the finest greens in Dorset. 




  Old News Items for 2009 


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only  and are now OUT OF DATE.



On Sunday the 6th December 2009, Verwoods Mayor Cllr Mike Dolan and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local areas with a visit to the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre where they enjoyed an illustrated talk on the area given by Pam Reeks and  later enjoyed a reception and meal in the Verwood HUB.
Verwood Youth Group.

Ran from 1940 to 1968.
Past members and their partners are shown in Verwood Methodist
during their re-union on Saturday 
26th September 2009 where they enjoyed a meal and presentation.

Verwood Country
If Officers not found then this market

Weekly on Friday 10.00 - 11.30 in Verwood Memorial Hall.
(except for breaks during major holidays e.g. Christmas, New Year and Easter). 
The market sells locally produced items including cakes, jams and honey; seasonal vegetables and fruit; house and bedding plants in season as well as cut flowers; household and craft items, baby clothes, cards etc.
 Many markets have closed and so it's either use it or lose it.
Now Closed 

Dont Forget
Verwoods' 5th Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 20th March 2010. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - tickets £5 children £3 -  Contact  01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 
British Legion 

17 Moorlands Road
BH31 7PD

Verwood Legion to Close - February 2010.
Further developments are afoot watch this space.)

The Royal British Legion has rejected the viable business plan presented to them by the new committee and intends to close Verwoods refurbished Legion club by February 2010. 

It is understood that the bulding will be sold, but to whom and for what purpose is not currently known, it may even be knocked down, This will mean that Verwood RBL branch will no longer have a club base and Verwood will suffer the loss of all the clubs facilities. This follows the lose already, of one Public House and a Club. While the arrival of the HUB added facilities for the town it was complementary to and not a replacement to those supplied by the Legion.

There is a suggestion that Verwood RBL could become a sub-branch of Ferndown but it is already fairly clear that this will seriously undermine the RBL ability to function and raise funds in Verwood as a number of people have already expressed a desire to resign from the Legion. Is this the beginning of the end of the RBL? It is also understood that other clubs under threat will also be sold.

Sat 23rd Jan 2010 @ 02:00 p.m.
Sat 23rd Jan 2010 @ 06:30 p.m.

Wed 27th Jan 2010 @ 07:30 p.m.
Thu 28th Jan 2010 @ 07:30 p.m.
Fri 29th Jan 2010 @ 07:30  p.m.
Sat 30th Jan 2010 @ 02:00 p.m.
Sat 30th Jan 2010 @ 06:30 p.m.

Tickets now on sale at the HUB for
Verwood Pantomime Societies
presentation of.

Ali-Baba and 
the forty thieves
by David Swan
see the "What's On" page

Celebrating 100 Years

  For Further  
then Select

  To Visit the  
select here

  May we wish everyone a

Churches Together this christmas
in Verwood and  Three Legged Cross.
(Select here for all December 2009 Services)

British Legion 

17 Moorlands Road
BH31 7PD

Use it or Lose it

Save Verwood 
Royal British Legion Club

Select here for the November "Update".

Select here for the November "Bulletin".


 Everyone can join or visit Verwood RBL 

  • Serving great food and drinks.

  • Showing SKY sport on large screen TVs.

  • Snooker, dancing, bingo and other events.

  • Verwood Jazz has regulat events at the club.

  • Home to the local RBL  Women's Section.

  • Support for Active Members and the Poppy Appeal.

Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza 
 THIS SATURDAY the 12th of December 2009
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play and carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply mulled wine or hot coffee and Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for the children. 
Rifleman Philip Allen
The funeral will take place on Tuesday
 the 8th Dec 2009 at 1 p.m. in Wimborne Minster.
The funeral procession will leave his house in Verwood at 12:15 p.m.
The Cortege will then stop by the Memorial Stone in Verwood centre,
before continuing to Wimborne via Blackhill.
(Note that the road will be closed in Verwood.)
Verwood Civic Service

Verwood's Mayor hosted a "Civic Service" for local mayors and and Dorset Dignatories, held at "St Michael and All Angels" on the 
11th October 2009.


Dorset Dignataries joined Verwoods Mayor Mike Dolan and residents for a civic service held in St. Michaels and All Angels church. They included the Deputy Loeutenant Professor Gillian Slater, Councillor Pauline Reynolds (chairman of EDDC) and mayors from Bridport, Chickerell, Ferndown, Gillingham, Lyme Regis, Poole, Portland, Ringwood, Shaftesbury, Swanage, Wareham, Weymouth and Portland, Wimborne and Yeovil. Chairman from Colehill, St. Leonards * St. Ives, and West Moors parish councils.

Verwood Area Fiftyplus Forum

This Forum is a new and emerging independant ACTION forum for people over the age of fifty living in Verwood and the surrounding villages of Alderholt, Chalbuty Common, Cranborne, Edmondsham, Horton, Mannington, Three Legged Cross, Wimborne St; Giles & Woodlands. Select here for more information.

Select here for the "Verwood Organ & Keyboard Society"  page,

Why not give this website a try, Hidden Dorset is a new way to discover the side of Dorset that local people and visitors have found for themselves and want to share.

Hidden Dorset is funded by Leader+ Chalk & Cheese; Arts Council England; a partnership of Dorset County Council, and the six borough/district councils in the county. It is supported in kind by Dorset Visual Arts.

Sunday the 8th November
09:45 a.m. Church Service will be held in St. Michaels and All Angels Verwood.
10:30 a.m Parade to Ferrett Green.
11:00 a.m Service at the Memorial in front of the Heathland Heritage Centre.
Verwood Rotary Club present
Potterne Park Verwood
August Bank Holiday Monday from 12 noon - 05:30 p.m.
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.
- entry £2.50 - car & driver £6 - U13 Free

A Festival of Stories


21st August to the 31st of August.

This Storytelling Event returns this year with many around East Dorset
Contact - 01202 639012
or visit 

Please visit the "WHAT'S ON" or "Noticeboard" for full details.

The Committee now have planning permission for a new front porch which will not only modernise the front of the hall, but with a side opening door and plenty of south-facing glass, will create a heat barrier, reduce draughts and improve access for the disabled as the second set of interior doors will be removed.
Select here for the History of the Memorial Hall.

Dont Forget
Verwood 4th Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 4th July. 
- 2 performances at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

 - tickets £5 children £3 -  Contact  01202 828740  -
A variety show by young people up to age 18 including music, song, dance and drama. 

Congratulations to

 who in September 2008 were placed  2ND  in the 3rd SECTION OF

THE NATIONAL FINALS in Harrogate. (Select Logo for more info).

Bank Holiday Monday - May 25th
Verwood Carnival 2009
"Fuzzy Bit" Verwood
11:00 a.m

Carnival Field and Fairground opens

11:45 a.m.

Crowning of the Queen and Princesses

12:00 a.m.

Procession Leaves Carnival Field

13:00 p.m.

Procession returns to Carnival Field

13:15 p.m.

Bournemouth Carnival Band

13:45 p.m.

Solent Dog Display Team

14:30 p.m.

Dingle Fingle - clowning with his car

15:15 p.m.

Solent Dog Display Team

16:00 p.m.

Dingle Fingle - clowning with his car



  Old News Items for 2008 


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only  and are now OUT OF DATE.


On Sunday the 23rd of November 2008, Verwoods Mayor Cllr Lucy Clark and the Town Council welcomed dignitaries from the local areas with a visit to the Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre and the Verwood HUB,

Visit Darren's blog. congratulates Verwood's Darren Kenny
on his success in the Beijing Paralympics, his award of an "OBE" and "Disabled Sports Personality" of 2008.

On Wednesday the 26th November 2008, Darren Kenny was awarded the Disabled Sports Personality of the Year and also an "OBE" in the new year honours list. Verwood's record breaking paralympic cyclist, who has cerebral palsy after an accident during a tour race, has, since winning 1 silver and 2 gold medals at the Paralympics in Athens, gone on to  increase his medal count at the Paralympics in Beijing with 1 Silver and 4 Gold Medals. You've now missed the event at the Verwood Heritage Centre but you  can
  select here for photos of the event.

select above for celebration information.
Select here for the History of the Memorial Hall.

The Dorset Cross (or St Wite's Cross)
 is the new Flag For Dorset.

In the 2008t vote for a Flag for Dorset "The Dorset Cross" received 54% of the 3868 valid votes cast. The red and white colours are derived from the county arms. Its other name of "The St. Wite's Cross" comes from the name of the saint whose remains lie in the county.
Visit for more info.

Verwood' Christmas Extravaganza 
 On Saturday the 13th of December 2008
Father Christmas will visit his Grotto on Ferrett Green. The christmas lights will be switched on, the Training Band will play and carols will be sung around the tree. The Heritage Centre will supply mulled wine or hot coffee and Mince Pies plus other stalls and rides for the children. 

New finger post on Ferrett Green.
On Monday the 19th of May the "The Twinning Association" presented a new finger post to Verwood town council. The sign situated near the new "Spa" shop shows the distance and direction of Verwood's Twin Towns of Chmptoceaux (246 miles) and Liederbach near Frankfurt (485 miles).
 It was presented by Mr Terry Bright (centre), the chairman of the Verwood and 3LX Twinning Association to The Town Council represented by Verwood's incoming Mayor Cllr. Lucy Clark (left) and its outgoing mayor Cllr. Alec Nicholls (right). 

Verwood Twinning Association is open to Young and Old and is able to facilitate twinning visits between other groups and our French and German friends. 

On Tuesday the 5th of May 2008 the Verwood Twinning Association returned from a successful visit to our friends in our twin town of Champtoceaux on the Loire Valley in France.

Vote for A Flag For Dorset ?

The Dorset Cross is one of the final contenders to become the endorsed flag of Dorset. It is the flag that began the entire process of adopting a flag for Dorset and voting has now started to choose between the 4 contenders

Verwood Rotary Club present
Fun day for all the family in support of local & Rotary charities. Classic Vehicles, Stalls, Refreshments, Craft and a Car Boot Sale. Arena events.
- entry £2.50 - car & driver £6 - U16 Free

A Festival of Stories


  • 21st August - Highcliffe Castle Storytelling Day.

  • 23rd August - The HUB, Verwood.

  • 24th August - The Earthouse, Cranborne.

  • 25th August - Walford Mill Craft Centre

Please visit the "WHAT'S ON" page for full details.

Verwood 3rd Talented Youth Concert
Verwood HUB - Saturday the 21st June. - 2 performances.

If you are under 18, live in the Parish of Verwood and would like an opportunity to take part then supply your  name, age, contact details including email with a description of your item to the Town Council Office. Please mark the envelope "Talented Youth".  Dance, Music and Drama Groups may also apply. 
    Sorry - but this list is now closed. Please come to the event .   

1967         2008
Congratulations to Hillside First School who celebrate their 40th Birthday this March.
The picture shows the school as it was in  1967.
Please visit the history of
"Verwood Churches and Schools" for more information.

Congratulations to the 
Verwood Heathlands Heritage Centre
who celebrate their 5 Year Aniversary in May 2008,
Go along, have a cup of coffee & visit the Exhibition.

Bank Holiday Monday the 26th May 2008
Verwood 2008 Carnival

Fun Fair, stalls, the Solent Dog Display Team, Live Blues on Stage, The Bournemouth Carnival Band, Dingle Fingle the stunt clown and Street Procession.
Gates open from 11 A.M. at the Fuzzy Bit, just off Crane Drive, Verwood.
At 12:00 (noon) the procession will leave on its new shorter route.

Crane Drive, Home Farm Road, right onto Sation Road, through the centre of the town, right into Vicarage Road then Manor Road, Church Hill, Dewlands Way, Home Fram  Road and return via Crane Drive to the Fuzzy Bit,
(Contact - Mr. Adrian Read / 01202 826908.)
(The Carnival was unfortunately cancelled in 2008 due to inclement weather)

We are sorry to report the sad news of the death of Ray Sargent early on the morning of Sunday 9th of March 2008 when he lost his fight with cancer.
Ray was a well known local Actor and Musician who was very active with EDALE (East Dorset Arts Leisure and Entertaiment).
He last appeared on stage at the "Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre" and at the "Barrington theatre" in August 2007 during the "SITT" Festival. Our condolences to his wife Julia and his daughter Laura 
  Ray's funeral took place at St Hubert's Church, Corfe Mullen Tuesday March 25th.



Plastic Milk Bottle Tops charity collection.
Many people are aware, plastic milk bottle tops are being collected in Verwood  to support disabled and terminally ill children in respite care at Julia's House (Dorset). and also Verwood Scouts.
If you collect already or wish to do so then they can be taken to known collection points or Verwood Town Hall,
 but please note the following important information.
Only those lids with the recycling label shown (including the 2) are required and raise £30 per tonne. If other lids are included it is classed as "mixed plastic" and raises only £3 per tonne.
Please continue to collect for these worthwhile charities but please be aware of the above. 
Thank you to all collectors for your support.






  Old News Items for 2007  


NOTE:- these are OLD News Items for information only  and are now OUT OF DATE.


European Flag of Honour in 2007

Verwood & 3LX - the only municipality in the UK and one of only 18 in Europe to receive the European Flag of Honour in 2007. Select here for a full report with pictures of the Civic and  FLAGFEST celebrations in October 2007.


On Friday the 19th of October at "The HUB", Verwood and 3LX was presented with the European Flag of Honour by the
Hon. Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Europe Kerstin Eckman.
The picture shows the dignitaries present at the event.




Saturday the 20th October
a FREE Celebration &
FUN DAY for all the Family.

Heritage Centre opened at 09:30 a.m.
Arena Events started at 11:00 a.m.


A Special Celebration and Fun Day for all the family was held  on

Saturday the 20th October 2007.





New Verwood.Org Sites Details This site contains Verwood general community Information including the "What's On" page. This is the site of the
"Verwood Heathland Heritage Centre". This is the site of the
"Verwood & 3LX" Twinning Association". This is the site that is aimed at giving information about the history of Verwood including its chronology with reminiscences.


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( Last modified: March 09, 2025 ) 
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