Verwood UK - History Site.
A Chronological History of Verwood from AD 0930
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Verwood 1985 BBC Domesday Project. - Hillside School.

07. Events in Verwood.
Rustic Fayre.
Super Kid.
Carnival Procession.
Arena Events.

The 4th RUSTIC FAYRE was held in September. 

There was a SUPER KID competition. The winner was the person who scored the most points in 10 games, like name the faces, shooting goals and marbles in the hole. A Black Smith was making a gate, there were stationary engines, vintage cars and motorbikes, a fire engine, a steam roller, exhibitions and models. There were games like bouncing a ping-pong ball on a board & into a bucket, & an egg throwing competition. 

The CARNIVAL is celebrated on Spring Bank holiday Monday. The first one was in 1929 & they have been held every year except during the 2nd Word War. There is a procession of carnival floats, people in fancy dress and a queen attended by princesses. 

Stalls, a fair and arena events are held in the Recreation Ground.


08. Information Systems.
Reference Section.
Village Diaries.
Blue Van.

The LIBRARY in Manor Road was originally used as a Congregational Chapel and County School. It is open on 5 days each week. £2760 per year are spent on books for Verwood. and there are approximately 11.000 books in stock. You may borrow 4 books at a time for up to 3 weeks. 3923 people belong to the library, this includes 800 children. 

There is a REFERENCE SECTION and leaflets on many aspects on village and area life are available. 

VILLAGE DIARIES are kept at the library and the Leisure Centre. 

The BLUE VAN sponsored by the County Council attends the car park once a week and enables people who are unable to visit the council offices to obtain advice and information.



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