@ verwood.org
(remove spaces)
We held our AGM on Thursday 26 October when all committee members
were re-elected. We have one new committee member, Sébastien
Bouchereau, from Champtoceaux our twinned town. Sébastien has been
living locally since 2016 and we would like to welcome him to the
committee. Clive our Chairman thanked the committee for their hard
work over the previous year. Clive was thanked by the committee and
members for all that he does for our Association.
Forthcoming Events
Thursday Members’ meetings
- held at the Heritage Centre commencing at 7.30pm
8 December – our Christmas party for members at the
Heritage Centre. Tickets are on sale at £2 per person which
includes nibbles, wine and entertainment. We look forward to
seeing you for a fun evening to start off the Christmas
11 January – Colin Stone will be talking about the
Swanage Railway.
8 February – Wildlife on route to Spain is being
presented by Brian Pettit.
Trip to Harrogate 23rd
to 26th March 2018
the cost is £165 per person and
includes an excursion to the historic City of York. We had an
excellent response after the details were circulated by email.
Apologies to those who do not use email. We will be keeping a
waiting list in case of any cancellations so please do let Julie
know if you are interested.
Previous Events
Members’ meetings
we enjoyed a cheese and
wine evening in June in place of a speaker. There was an informative
talk in July on the Okhle Village Trust which helps communities in
Nepal. The October talk was on the life of Walter Nichols, a Titanic
survivor and a secret participant in both World Wars; it was not
until the end that the speaker revealed he is the grandson of the
late Walter Nichols who is buried in West Moors cemetery.
Visit to our Twinned Town
Liederbach in June – we had two groups, one
travelled by plane and the other by car, visiting historical places
along the way. The official programme began with a visit to the town
of Heppenheim followed by a lovely meal in picturesque surroundings
at the Burgschanke Starkenburg restaurant next to the castle. The
group was then taken to "Morlenbach" in order to board the world’s
first solar powered trolley ride on a beautiful listed railway line.
Some of us still had to pedal hard to make the trolley move!
Verwood & Three legged Cross members set up a stall at the annual
street festival and sold Dorset produce. The trip concluded with a
ceremony at Liederbach Halle to mark the 25th anniversary
of Twinning between the two towns. The Twinning Charter was renewed
and signed by our Chairman, Clive Grove, and the Burgermeisterin of
Liederbach, Eva Sollner.

Rustic Fayre Monday 28th
August –
another enjoyable and successful
year. Thank you to
all members who helped on the day, which was extremely hot and
Visit to our Twinned Town
Champtoceaux in September – many thanks to Debbie
Scott and the working party for organising this trip. Many
difficulties emerged with the transportation planning as there were
so many individual requirements. Some people flew to Nantes, others
drove themselves and some were already in France on holiday. On
Friday evening a welcome reception was held where local wine and
nibbles were offered and an opportunity to meet again with old
Saturday was a busy but thoroughly enjoyable day. A coach took the
group to Nantes to board a riverboat and travel up river to view the
many chateaus and mansions on the return trip. After a gentle walk
through the town a trolley train was waiting for the group to take
them to explore the city. Next on the schedule was a guided walk
around the magnificent cathedral; many thanks to Catharina for
stepping in to translate for those with French understanding
difficulties! A wonderful lunch was then enjoyed in a beautiful
restaurant. A coach returned everyone to Champtoceaux for aperitives
with our hosts and then onto a soiree in Landemont (with another
dinner and more wine!). Sunday was spent with our hosts prior to the
journey home on Monday.
Your Committee Members
- contact ( twinning@verwood.org
) :-
Chairman |
Clive Grove |
826449 or
twinning @
Vice Chair |
Julie Blackwell West
Secretary |
Carol Geary |
Treasurer |
Sandra Grove |
Minute Secretary / Publicity |
Sheila Hollingworth |
Secretary |
John Pettitt |
Organiser |
- vacant |
Website. |
Stuart Clifton, |
webmaster @
Newsletter Editor |
Julie Blackwell West
Committee:- |
Sébastien Bouchereau,
Shiela Burgess, Pat Danes, Avril Pettitt,
Debbie Scott. Joyce
Timpson. |
Council Representative |
Susan Shaw |
Honorary President |
Cllr Lindsey Dedden |
Mayor of Verwood - 2017/8 |
Normally the Committee meets on the 1st Monday
of each month.in the Town Council Offices. |