@ verwood.org
(remove spaces)
Christmas seems a long time ago and we can now look
forward to the warmer, longer spring
days. We have had four members’ meetings already plus a trip to Antwerp,
Belgium; carry on
reading to see what we have arranged for the months ahead. We have ideas
for further events
which we hope to publish soon. Please contact Julie if you receive a
printed version of this
newsletter and would prefer it in a larger print as this can be
Forthcoming Events
Thursday Members’
meetings at the Heritage Centre commencing at 7.30pm
8 June – to use up the
wine brought over by our Champtoceaux guests we are having a French
themed cheese and wine evening instead of a speaker. The entrance fee
will be the same as usual to cover the cost of the cheese, crackers and
13 July
– Richard Backwell MBE is the speaker, a retired teacher and
expedition leader who set up The Okhle Village Trust in 2003 to provide
funding to assist local communities in Nepal.
Please note:
- there are not any members’ meetings in August and September
12 October
– we will
learn from Howard Nichols about the mysterious life of Walter Henry
Nichols, a steward and survivor of the sinking of the Titanic survivor.
Walter was a past resident of West Moors living in Station Road and is
buried at Priory Road cemetery.
26 October –
our AGM
will be at the Town Council Office.
Visit to our Twinned Town
Liederbach in June
- we have one group flying plus
another group driving and extending their holiday. We are due to receive
the formal itinerary shortly and this will be forwarded to everyone
attending together with all other relevant information. We will be
taking Dorset produce to sell at the fete in Oberliederbach. A guided
tour of Heppenheim and a train tour up to the hills is included in their
Rustic Fayre Monday
August - you will receive
further information from Clive in due course but in the meantime please
put the date in your diary. Volunteers to help on the day will be much
appreciated – give your details to Clive. Let your family and friends
know about Café Rene so they may support us by buying lunch including
scrumptious home-made cakes.
Visit to our
Twinned Town Champtoceaux in September
– arrangements are currently being made by our French
liaison team. Please contact Clive urgently if you wish to be included.
Some members will be driving and having an extended holiday. It is
proposed that the rest of the group will fly as there are not sufficient
numbers to make a coach trip cost effective.
Previous Events
Members’ Meetings -
we enjoyed the antics of a retired police officer; a
very interesting talk about the late Donald Campbell who died trying to
set a new water speed record; an informative evening learning about Ian
Fleming the author of the 007 James Bonds novels; our last talk was
about smugglers in Dorset and it was surprising to learn it was so
Trip to Antwerp, Belgium
– the reports back from participants all
state it was a successful trip with a very good hotel. There were plenty
of interesting sites to see including the Gothic Cathedral of our
Lady which is on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list. Those that
visited Antwerp Central Station, constructed between 1895-1905,
report that it is an awe-inspiring building. In 2014 a British-American
magazine awarded it first place for being the most beautiful railway
station in the world.
Europe Day 9th
May –
we were asked by our
friends in Liederbach, along with their other twinned towns, to
commemorate Europe Day by each town sending postcards to the other
twinned towns. Your committee members sent postcards to the various
towns and we received some in return; they are available to see at the
Town Council Office in Verwood.
The British-German
Association Conference on 12th
May – Clive, Sandra and
Julie, as delegates for theTwinning Association, attended the conference
at Bristol City Hall. We listened to speakers from Bristol and Hannover
as well as some members of local twinning associations. There were over
100 delegates from all over the country who shared their experiences in
workshops running during the morning and afternoon sessions. We gained
some valuable fund raising information as well as ways to try and
encourage younger members to join. We will be discussing the ideas at
our next committee meeting and hope to implement some of them.
Your Committee Members
- contact ( twinning@verwood.org
) :-
Chairman |
Clive Grove |
826449 or
twinning @
Vice Chair |
Julie Blackwell West
Secretary |
Carol Geary |
Treasurer |
Sandra Grove |
Minute Secretary / Publicity |
Sheila Hollingworth |
Secretary |
John Pettitt |
Organiser |
- vacant |
Website. |
Stuart Clifton, |
webmaster @
Newsletter Editor |
Julie Blackwell West
Committee:- |
Shiela Burgess, Pat Danes, Avril Pettitt,
Debbie Scott. Joyce
Timpson. |
Council Representative
Honorary President |
Susan Shaw |
Normally the Committee meets on the 1st Monday
of each month.in the Town Council Offices. |